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RTX 4070 12GB, is it Worth it?

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If all you care about is energy usage then the answer is simple, ban gaming, yes?
California has banned gaming PCs from being sold that use over a certain amount of energy usage, with other states watching, what is to stop them from lowering the amount of energy allowed to be used by a gaming PC in the future? To which Nvidia will have to find a response
It's mostly useless progress if only power efficiency improves though. How does power efficiency help you play the latest games in 4k 120hz in vr for example?

As Jono said, big whoop.

The California stuff is a big red herring btw, i don't know why you are focussing on it, probably because it's the only example of where a few hrs gaming per week could be seen to be bothered about power use.

Power use and temperatures just need to be within a sensible range (most of us have 750W or above PSU's). As long as we don't get stupid increases in power to generate perf improvement most people are happy.
I think you will find that its not the only place, several states have followed suit, https://nichegamer.com/high-end-gaming-pcs-banned-in-six-us-states-after-california-energy-bill-limits-sales-on-high-performance-pcs/#:~:text=US States California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, and,joining in; effectively banning high-end pre-built gaming PCs.

I think you will also find that gaming is a big usage of energy in California, those few hours by lots of people adds up,

"Aggregate energy demand places gaming among the top plug loads in California, with gaming representing one-fifth of the state’s total miscellaneous residential energy use"

A few hours a week turns into, "computer gaming in California consumed 4.1 terawatt hours in 2016" 4100000000 kWh. Then you need to add all the power used around the rest of the world
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@ Armageus

Any chance we can change the thread name to:
"California - to game or not to game,is it worth the electricity?"


California has banned gaming PCs from being sold that use over a certain amount of energy usage, with other states watching, what is to stop them from lowering the amount of energy allowed to be used by a gaming PC in the future? To which Nvidia will have to find a response
I know they have, although i don't see how that's relevant to your point that California seems to be interested, and you by extension of raising that as a point, in power usage.

All you seem to be doing is repeating yourself.
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I know they have, although i don't see how that's relevant to your point that California seems to be interested, and you by extension of raising that as a point, power usage.

All you seem to be doing is repeating yourself.

Not to mention he's conveniently left out that those regulations only consider idle power consumption, and applies to prebuilt systems.
I know they have, although i don't see how that's relevant to your point that California seems to be interested, and you by extension of raising that as a point, power usage.

All you seem to be doing is repeating yourself.
I am having to repeat myself because so many on here are replying to me!

When AMD released the 6000 series it was said that, "All of these improvements combined are expected to lead to a 54% uplift in performance-per-watt between the 5000 series and the 6000 series." https://www.wepc.com/news/amd-radeon-6000-series-vs-5000-series-should-you-upgrade/

When both AMD and Nvidia design cards they not only look at improvement per dollar but improvement per watt. All I tend to see on this thread is people criticizing the fps v dollar uplift not the performance per watt improvement that AMD also tends to use when looking at the improvement of new generations
Not to mention he's conveniently left out that those regulations only consider idle power consumption, and applies to prebuilt systems.
Not left anything out, gave you links to read for yourself. Please explain how the regulations only consider idle power consumption as I haven't seen that, they are aimed more at that but it isn't the only factor
I am having to repeat myself because so many on here are replying to me!

When AMD released the 6000 series it was said that, "All of these improvements combined are expected to lead to a 54% uplift in performance-per-watt between the 5000 series and the 6000 series." https://www.wepc.com/news/amd-radeon-6000-series-vs-5000-series-should-you-upgrade/

When both AMD and Nvidia design cards they not only look at improvement per dollar but improvement per watt. All I tend to see on this thread is people criticizing the fps v dollar uplift not the performance per watt improvement that AMD also tends to use when looking at the improvement of new generations
Oh right, so when you kept mentioning power usage you didn't mean that, you meant performance per watt.
I am having to repeat myself because so many on here are replying to me!

When AMD released the 6000 series it was said that, "All of these improvements combined are expected to lead to a 54% uplift in performance-per-watt between the 5000 series and the 6000 series." https://www.wepc.com/news/amd-radeon-6000-series-vs-5000-series-should-you-upgrade/

When both AMD and Nvidia design cards they not only look at improvement per dollar but improvement per watt. All I tend to see on this thread is people criticizing the fps v dollar uplift not the performance per watt improvement that AMD also tends to use when looking at the improvement of new generations


They HAVE to improve performance per watt, or the cards wouldn't work due to overheating/there wouldn't be any compatible power supplies.
Oh right, so when you kept mentioning power usage you didn't mean that, you meant performance per watt.
I think you will see that I said the performance of a 3080 at a lower energy usage, I even linked to the Hardware Unboxed section of the review for you. Perhaps you should rewatch it to understand what he was saying, relinked it for you, hope that helps, https://youtu.be/DNX6fSeYYT8?t=1106
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I think you will see that I said the performance of a 3080 at a lower energy usage, I even linked to the Hardware Unboxed section of the review for you. Perhaps you should rewatch it to understand what he was saying, relinked it for you, hope that helps, https://youtu.be/DNX6fSeYYT8?t=1106
I mean you could just use the correct words instead of throwing your toys out the pram like that wally did the other day because they didn't know that when your only means of communicating is the written word it's probably a good idea not to mix up person with people and then blame everyone else for misunderstanding.
I mean you could just use the correct words instead of throwing your toys out the pram like that wally did the other day because they didn't know that when your only means of communicating is the written word it's probably a good idea not to mix up person with people and then blame everyone else for misunderstanding.
I have used the correct words, perhaps you need to apply comprehension to them. The 4070 performs about the same as the 3080 with less power usage which means the customer spends less money on energy usage and its more environmentally friendly. Sorry its taken you until now to understand that. Did you even watch the video I had linked earlier to help you understand?

As for the one throwing toys out of a pram you are the one acting like a pre-school child, using immature words and rudeness. How is the the only means of communication the written word, I linked the hardware unboxed video review of the 4070 power usage. If you had bothered to watch it you could have used your eyes and ears rather than just look at a written word

Please let me know what you didn't understand about the 4070 review by Hardware Unboxed on the energy usage and I will try and help you understand it
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Not left anything out, gave you links to read for yourself. Please explain how the regulations only consider idle power consumption as I haven't seen that, they are aimed more at that but it isn't the only factor
Hilarious thing is I did! It was news title sensationalism (which the article keys you into) then I fact checked, and lo and behold so it was, that's when I posted.
It would be worth you doing the same. And no, none of us should be doing your homework for you.

Funny thing even the link itself should raise your suspicions as to how they're being disingenuous: https:........ "effectively" banning "high-end pre-built gaming PCs"....
Why you would chose to accept it at face value I've no idea.
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Hilarious thing is I did! It was news title sensationalism (which the article keys you into) then I fact checked, and lo and behold so it was, that's when I posted.
It would be worth you doing the same. And no, none of us should be doing your homework for you.

Funny thing even the link itself should raise your suspicions as to how they're being disingenuous: https:........ "effectively" banning "high-end pre-built gaming PCs"....
Why you would chose to accept it at face value I've no idea.
How is this news sensationalism, it clearly states that not all prebuilt PCs are banned yet but that there are regulations in place to limit the sale of prebuilt pcs that don't meet the regulations, did you even read this article that I linked?

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I have used the correct words, perhaps you need to apply comprehension to them. The 4070 performs about the same as the 3080 with less power usage which means the customer spends less money on energy usage and its more environmentally friendly. Sorry its taken you until now to understand that. Did you even watch the video I had linked earlier to help you understand?

As for the one throwing toys out of a pram you are the one acting like a pre-school child, using immature words and rudeness. How is the the only means of communication the written word, I linked the hardware unboxed video review of the 4070 power usage. If you had bothered to watch it you could have used your eyes and ears rather than just look at a written word

Please let me know what you didn't understand about the 4070 review by Hardware Unboxed on the energy usage and I will try and help you understand it
So how many times did you mention performance per watt? Also, until now? I've only replied to you two hours ago after watching you flail around for the entire day because you were struggling to make yourself understood.

How exactly was i "acting like a pre-school child, using immature words and rudeness"? Also it's pretty funny to see you demonstrating the very thing i mentioned, blaming everyone else, in your very next post. Even after someone tried to help you out by explaining where people maybe misinterpreting what you're trying to say you lambast them and proceed to say "the 4070 power usage" rather than performance per watt.
So how many times did you mention performance per watt? Also, until now? I've only replied to you two hours ago after watching you flail around for the entire day because you were struggling to make yourself understood.

How exactly was i "acting like a pre-school child, using immature words and rudeness"? Also it's pretty funny to see you demonstrating the very thing i mentioned, blaming everyone else, in your very next post. Even after someone tried to help you out by explaining where people maybe misinterpreting what you're trying to say you lambast them and proceed to say "the 4070 power usage" rather than performance per watt.
I asked did you watch the video, still waiting for a reply! I asked why do you think that you only have to use the written word when you could watch the video, what didn't you understand about the video? Perhaps you should leave a comment in the video saying that you didn't understand the power usage section
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