Exactly. I saw that before. However, what that doesn't tell you is that 48-100Hz is only enabled when you switch into the monitor's Ultimate Engine Mode. And, according to this manual here,
http://downloadcenter.samsung.com/content/UM/201610/20161028094831190/BN46-00559A-Eng.pdf on page 33, if you use this mode, it's possible to get in-game flickering. A lot of the games I tested do exhibit flickering to the point that it hurts my eyes. If you use Standard Engine mode instead, it's 80-100Hz.
It's either a **** freesync range or eye thrashing flickering that occurs both in-game and on loading screens. They might as well not have even put Freesync on this monitor.
Either this is false advertising or someone mad a huge mistake. I called tech support at Samsung and they don't seem to understand this... (the tech support people didn't really understand what a freesync range was). This is going to be a long battle with Samsung. I asked them if having a freesync range of 80-100HZ on Standard Engine was normal and they did not know. They said they will email me once they have the answer.
I'm additionally frustrated since they would get back to me later while they review for a restocking fee waiver and told me i would have to pay the shipping back. Not going to accept this (I bought from Samsung online store directly rather than a retailer).