That sounds better. I got around 4090 @ 1.4Ghz.
Is it possible to overclock if I am rooted but on the stock rom?
Edit: Have you tried playing BLOOD AND GLORY (NR). Decent Gfx!
you have to flash a kernal, the thing about samsung this time is theyve cottoned onabout flashing roms and now theyve hardcoded some kind of counter in the phone which is in binary and counts every time a phone is flashed in odin or such. its all complicated but i thought bugger it and rooted it anyway.
ive got a kernal which allows it to go upto 1704mhz, im feeling that quadrant should be higher than ive got on that freqnency, im using stock rom too btw. a guy i know claims 4870 at 1.5ghz on his sgsII but hes full of crap and has always got to be better so i assume hes telling porkies.