Wind it in..The kids were not arriving until Christmas day so where not around.
They could have given me a temporary replacement from the display models they had... Another Model?
No they wanted me to use a TV with the back panel hanging off.
Its not Rocket Science...
Now you suggest I tape a gaping back panel on a £1000 TV?
Guess what? When you buy goods they should be fit for purpose.
So you thought it was ok to use the faulty TV you were intending to return (and calibrate it) despite it being dangerous to the grandkids that hadn't yet turned up? What about if it had caught fire because of the defect? Yet it is absolutely unreasonable for a service rep to ask you to still use the TV over Christmas to help you out?? Did you tell them all of the above? You must see how ridiculous that excuse is? If it wasn't fit for purpose why go through all the effort of setting it up and calibrating it?! Maybe if you returned it quicker they would have had stock.
Oh yeah, you're right - they should have given you the display model of the TV they are trying to sell (at Christmas time) thus leaving the store with an empty space and potential loss of sales. So guess what, it was probably not an option they could offer!
It's a bit petty. I'm just trying to point out that, they kinda did everything they could have done but it wasn't enough for you because of various excuses and you expecting them to rip up the store.
I generally find staff treat you better when they aren't referred to as tools and you cooperate without demanding tearing up the store.
Like I said on my first post, Currys aren't the best but you didn't recieve terrible service.
I'm also not saying you should have used the TV or that the QC isn't to blame. I think it's shocking that the fault is a common problem. I am saying I think the way you handled it wasn't great. It's nothing to do with the grandkids if you had received a product in that condition and not fit for purpose it should go back not continued to be used like you have done if you feel it was as dangerous as the response you gave me.
A quick search shows the panel is just stuck on and is a common problem. So yes, id be happy to put a bit of tape on the £1000 TV for a few days until a replacement came so that I wouldn't be without the TV. What's the problem with that? It's not your £1000 TV anymore as Currys will replace it.
Stop making problems that don't exist.
Unfortunately some products arrive faulty, broken and incorrect. That's life. You seem to think you're above that and everything should be problem free - if it's not it's everyone else's fault. The staff at Currys were trying to help put someone else's mistake right the best they could.