Well i've had a few but have a few things to say about this monitor. Had it 2 days now and have been playing with it.
I've just finished playing Tomb Raider and it's been amazing, really good game anyways but was a really nice experience on this monitor. I did't test the fps through it, just played it. I won't lie there was a few moments when aiming that were slightly laggy but all in an excellent experience. Completely playable.
I feel like you don't really appreciate the resolution when playing a game, your too busy concentrating on what your doing. It's when you stop for a second and look at it, it really hits you.
I've spent an hour or two on BF4 and it's more than playable, hitting around 60+ fps or above most the the time. Not really played BF in 6 months so just got nailed constantly
I have a 2k S27B970 and this is the best monitor I have ever had. The first thing I noticed about this new 4k monitor was the colors and viewing angles as I have mentioned earlier. I feel like if both monitors could be combined it would be perfect.
I'm still undecided which monitor to use as my main for time being but feel I will probably stick with the S27B970. The quality is just so much better, size and just feels right.
The new 4K monitor is a treat but I can't run all games on it such as Crysis 3, wolfenstein, and titanfall. Well I can run Titanfall and Wolfenstein but got annoyed at the crossfire and v sycn performance !
I spent a lot of money upgrading to crossfire R290s to be able the run this monitor properly and waited a long time for it to get released. I don't regret the purchase for a second, it was really just a glimpse into the future for me. I do feel that the sweet spot however is 2K. I think a 2K 144Hz monitor would be the way to go. Even when looking at 4k video compared to 2K that wasn't a huge difference in my opinion. There was more of a difference in game but 2K + AA is really nice and not as demanding as 4K.
Basically it's awsome, however I think if we all wait a while for better panels the gpu performance to catch up it's gonna be worth it. I don't play game as much as I used to, I'm just hoping my system can play Wither 3 on 4K, if not i'm upgrading