Samsung U28D590 mini review

Sorry for late reply, wasn't online much over the weekend.

Cheers to both of you for the insights. I have stopped playing FPS at any sort of competitive level, so the 120hz and super fact response times aren't as much of an issue as before.

Just reading up more about 4K and it seems that windows isn't quite ready just yet.

hmmmm, decisions, decisions!! :)
Hmm... has anyone seen extremely fine lines flicker across their panel at times? it happens very rarely.. not sure if the DP cable is low quality or not. Its not very noticeable.. I have to keep looking at the monitor for more than 10 minutes before seeing one of those lines go across the panel. Doesn't happen in game, just on desktop mode..
Dunno about the Samsung/Asus but my AOC 4K panel seems to have some kind of built in power saving functionality that kicks in after 15 minutes of low activity (never happens in games) which was cause a popping sound and display flicker similiar to what you describe, putting volume to 0 (don't seem to have a mute option) seemed to solve it.
Hmm... has anyone seen extremely fine lines flicker across their panel at times? it happens very rarely.. not sure if the DP cable is low quality or not. Its not very noticeable.. I have to keep looking at the monitor for more than 10 minutes before seeing one of those lines go across the panel. Doesn't happen in game, just on desktop mode..

I can't say I have seen that but the DP does feel a little cheap. Another bug for me is when the monitor goes into power save mode and I wake it, all my open folders and browsers are all small and tucked in the corner. Not an issue as such but a little meh at times.
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