Samurize Scripts

Erk hope I havent caused any confusion!!!

If you notice, the poster I was replying to is from Kuwait, so the international BBC weather page is in a different format to the UK weather.

To samurize, (summarise..:)):

1. Script made to work with BBC weather page (here

2. BBC weather page undergoes series of changes

3. Latest version of UK Weather script works fine (v0.93..see above)

4. Person asks about Kuwaiti weather

5. BBC International weather forecast appears to be in the same format as the UK weather used to be, so I recommended using the older BBC weather script for international weather forecasts!!!

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new problem, kill proce doesnt work right. if i double click it will it close samurize client? i have the instance name set to check and also changed it to "check" in the script. still samurize doesnt close?
Anyone else had problems with the RadioTimes site changing Channel codes? I had to rewrite the URL in my TV script in the process borking it by pasting the URL after a return code :( took me ages to figure out why the new scipt it wasn't working.
Here's my current desktop. Samurize is still a WIP.
Check out the 1337 customised BBC Weather script :D

Click image for 1024x768

Originally posted by Sleepy
Anyone else had problems with the RadioTimes site changing Channel codes? I had to rewrite the URL in my TV script in the process borking it by pasting the URL after a return code :( took me ages to figure out why the new scipt it wasn't working.

Whats the new URL then Sleepy?

Hi can somebody post a link to a fully working UKTV script please as mine has got belly up and it just wont seem to fix its self no matter what i do.

I've noticed since I got back today, the RadioTimes site is v. slow and my scripts time out before grabbing the page. Hopefully someone will fix 'em tomorrow.
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