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Nope, though I am chatting to someone via the webnote system so the situation may change. There did appear to be a misunderstanding in that I think the guy didn't realise it was 28 days after I had purchased, so what he thought was offering me an option to refund immediately came across as an outright refusal.

They also weren't aware of the the document which gives the six month stipulation so I've sent them a link to that.

Would be nicer if they wanted to pick up the slack to make it easier on those who were prepared to buy another board in advance and then wait for a refund afterwards.

message me thru trust.
Yes but i have a serious problem whenit comes to saving the money and waiting i would have bought something else and regretted it. I also had everything but the mobo.I guess im very impatient at times.Plus i paid 145.15 Uk price which is only 234.15 us thats with overseas shipping the boards over here are about 20 less but the shipping is what cost more .
First i would like to say Hello to everyone i am new to the forums and this is my first build. I purchused the Asus p8p67 pro from overclockerUk on 2-22-11 knowing it could be afffected but i reside in the states so if i do have to rma it i will go threw Asus. I dont know if it will affect me but i am running 1 Samsung spinpoint 1tb 7200 hard drive and 1 optical drive.I guess a plus for me is i have 2 laptops and a main pc so its not like i will be without. what i have read on the asus website they give you a hotline number to call and give you exact directions on what to do in this case
Your rights are severely restricted having purchased it after being informed there are issues.

Situation on the pro:
2x Intel SATA III ports ( 6Gb/s ) - No problems ( black ports )
2x Marvell SATA II ports ( 3Gb/s ) - No problems, but significantly worse write speed than the Intel SATA II ports ( light blue )
4x Intel SATA II ports ( 3gb/s ) - faulty, but probably ok for light use e.g. an optical drive.

In practice you won't need to swap out unless you can see yourself needing more than 4 drives + 1 optical drive, or you want the best hard drive performance you can get.
I purchused the Asus p8p67 pro from overclockerUk on 2-22-11 knowing it could be afffected but i reside in the states

Let me just take this off-topic for a few seconds...

I know OCuk can have good prices but you guys over there have everything cheaper than us over here pretty much by default. Did you shop around locally at the usual American online stores before coming here? How much was the shipping from here to there?
yes i did try and all have pulled of the shelfs. and it only cost 26.83 ukin us that is 43.54for 2day international air so i was really pleased. to get next day air over here it ranges from $30 to over $100 depending on the wieght of the product
TBH now absolutely livid, final brush off attempt tells me that my interpretation is wrong, despite the documents contradicting him. Amusing to know that the OcUK staff member is repeatedly and deliberately breaking the law to avoid refunding this motherboard.

Then goes on to lie by telling me that I shouldn't worry because ASUS are offering a swap out on the door step. At least now I know for sure what kind of company I have been dealing with.

Off to trading standards and other forums I go.
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@ Wrestler

It's good to know I'm not alone in my madness :-)

Just took the plunge on a P8P67 Deluxe and an i5 2500k because I'm just tired of waiting / impatient / possibly insane haha

It's got to the stage now where I'm feeling that the revised boards , when they do eventually become available , will be in such short supply to new retail that they'll carry a premium (as you do).

Anyway. I got the deluxe for such a great price (after an emailed discount voucher) it ended up as a complete nobrainer to not go ahead and just do it.

I'll only be using one 6gb/s hard drive and one optical drive so hopefully things won't go too **** up.

Can't wait for the weekend to build this thing now.
TBH now absolutely livid, final brush off attempt tells me that my interpretation is wrong.

Then goes on to lie by telling me that I shouldn't worry because ASUS are offering a swap out on the door step. At least now I know for sure what kind of company I have been dealing with.

Off to trading standards and other forums I go.

The retailer is responsible mate, just keep swimming!
@ Boge i am with you that i might be insane but where can i go wrong. The pc i use now ia a hp pavilion a1700n 3gb ram and a gts 250 gpu it was originaly my wifes work pc but i took it over for gaming. Then i decided to do a complete gaming build everthing but keyboard and mouse.As for the new boards i dont think the supply and demand are going to close to each other .More demand ans far much supply
Yeah I heard that ....

I just told my wife that I'm taking a day off work tomorrow cos I'm waiting in for errr "something to be delivered"...

She'll never notice the new "thing" under my desk.

I hope....
TBH now absolutely livid, final brush off attempt tells me that my interpretation is wrong, despite the documents contradicting him. Amusing to know that the OcUK staff member is repeatedly and deliberately breaking the law to avoid refunding this motherboard.

Then goes on to lie by telling me that I shouldn't worry because ASUS are offering a swap out on the door step. At least now I know for sure what kind of company I have been dealing with.

Off to trading standards and other forums I go.

Bye then :)
Yeah I heard that ....

I just told my wife that I'm taking a day off work tomorrow cos I'm waiting in for errr "something to be delivered"...

She'll never notice the new "thing" under my desk.

I hope....

I got away with it my wife whent out 5 mins before the delivery guy came:D
Reading this thread, I can't help feeling some people have got a little hung up and need to take a breather and step back for the big picture:

- Have you got a working motherboard? Yes
- Has your motherboard failed? No
- Were you told about the problem as soon as it became known? Yes
- Have you been promised a fixed board once they're available? Yes
- Is your board likely to fail before it's replaced? Highly unlikely

And, IMHO most important:

- Have OcUK been doing their level best to keep everyone informed and updated? Definitely.

Please can't everyone chill and stop being so aggressive towards the staff at OcUK? They seem to have been trying their best since this issue flared up and I, for one, was very happy to order 4 SandyBridge setups for work a week ago in the knowledge that I would get a fixed motherboard from Gigabyte long before the potential SATA problem rears it's head. The performance of Sandybridge just made it silly to go with anything else.

Not trolling, and certainly not going to enter into an argument with anyone, just wish people would chill a little more, enjoy their PCs and give the manufacturers and retailers time to sort this out - which they all seem to be working hard to do.
- Have you got a working motherboard? No - I have additional drives I can't use.
- Has your motherboard failed? No - not using the ports to avoid this, some people have
- Were you told about the problem as soon as it became known? No, I had to go looking for the information, not once have I been contacted proactively.
- Have you been promised a fixed board once they're available? Maybe - But my retailer is refusing to honour UK consumer law and has committed crimes while doing so, there is nothing yet from the motherboard manufacturer a month after the problem was announced.
- Is your board likely to fail before it's replaced? - Not using the ports, people who have have reported failures.

And, IMHO most important:

- Have OcUK been doing their level best to keep everyone informed and updated? No, not a single proactive attempt to contact me.

@ Confused Stu you are exactly correct in all aspects of the issue when i ordered my p8p67 pro it clearly has a disclaimer staing the issue so if u purchased one,one would believe they read everything on the product. In my case im so impatient i could not wait any longer knowing i had everything for the build besides the mobo. Also you don't go out and buy a car or house with out reading over the small print :)
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