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Ive just received a call direct from Asus with regards to swapping out my Deluxe. She said it would be sometime in May. I got the impression that this would be direct with Asus and not through the retailer although she did ask if I had returned any (I had 2 boards) for a refund. 1 of which I have.
I also raised the question of upgrading to a Maximus extreme if I was willing to wait. She said it was something they were looking into.
May.. if its that long i may have to buy an aftermarket cooler sooner rather than later.

dont really want to strip pc down twice but at the same time i want to tinker with my pc.

would be amazing customer services if Asus or whoever just accross the board upgraded everyone to the Z68

doubt it would happen, depends on the difference in chipset costs i guess.
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What do i do about the board i have now ASUS Maximus IV Extreme should i register it with ASUS or not bother.
I registered both my boards with Asus weeks ago. I suppose it depends if you are happy to wait. The way I see it you can do one of three thing. Send it back for a refund (just got mine for P8P67 Pro). Wait for the retailer to get the new B3 versions in or register it with Asus and do the swap through them direct. Ive gone with the last one. Im in no rush, so long as I get it changed at some point.
Yeh im happy to wait for the swop as well just wasnt sure if to register it or not :)

It certainly can't do any harm, and you should then get an an email from Asus when they have a new B3 board ready for you... but don't hold your breath! ;)
I have also just received a call from Asus, which I must admit came as rather a surprise. Having first ascertained that I still had the motherboard (a P8P67-M PRO) in my posession, and that I hadn't already returned it, she confirmed that they would be exchanging it for me (if I wished), but not until May!

She also said that the exact procedure for doing so, here in the UK, has not yet been finally decided, although I made it very clear that I would expect either a direct swap out, or preferably an advance replacement, with them holding my credit card number as guarantee, as it were.

Needless to say, what will happen over in America will not necesarily be the same 'over here', but we can but hope.

Seeing as the problem was not really of their making in the first place, I felt that a personal telephone call from Asus was a good indication of their attitude towards their 'end user' customers, and was also a good customer relations excercise.
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I'm sorry, but, I have to laugh at Duncann's statements, quoting law etc.

He should really go back and read what He wrote, even just the parts that he underlined.

Because at the end of the day all the stuff he posted depends on the goods been faulty, if His motherboard isn't faulty then nothing he quoted applies. Oh, yes, there is a chance of a some of the sata ports going bad, but, no company will give you a refund based on a chance.

Silly arguments.
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I'm sorry, but, I have to laugh at Duncann's statements, quoting law etc.

He should really go back and read what He wrote, even just the parts that he underlined.

Because at the end of the day all the stuff he posted depends on the goods been faulty, if His motherboard isn't faulty then nothing he quoted applies. Oh, yes, there is a chance of a some of the sata ports going bad, but, no company will give you a refund based on a chance.

Silly arguments.

The underlining was me :p
Well i just got my mobo from OcUk and guess what bot the serial numbers i put in say its not affected so im pleased rock on OcUk

You 100% sure you put the serial number in right? As it was mentioned above, if you replace a 0 (zero) with the letter O, it shows as not affected, even if it is.
Well i just got my mobo from OcUk and guess what bot the serial numbers i put in say its not affected so im pleased rock on OcUk

This has been mentioned before, and I think you will find that you have entered the serial number incorrectly... the fourth character should be a 'zero' and not the letter '0'.

All Asus Sandy Bridge motherboards currently available are affected, and it will be another couple of months or so before the new B3 chipset models are available here in the UK.
If Gigabyte are shipping B3 boards already, then why the hell are Asus talking about May? :mad:

As Asus says they are ready to ship already, I would guess one of two reasons;

1. They have a lot of OEMs waiting and a lot of supply demand that they wish to meet first.

2. They are covering their backsides in case of delay - it's a fair old few motherboards they have to take back and process, I'm sure.

As for upgrading, I'm not sure. I'd like to see and option to go Z68 but I wouldn't want to spend much money doing so.
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