Scariest ''level'' in a video game

The first one on Medal of Honor when the horror hits of you having just spent money on it.


As my answer... Meh, Resident Evil 2 had a surprise *silence, silence, silence* *LOUD SMASHING NOISE, CROWS THROUGH WINDOW OUT OF NOWHERE* moment.
My heart was always unhappy with this moment.
Also, the demo of Silent Hill that came with RE2, had the survival mode in the school. It was probably because I was quite a bit younger, but grey ghost children in an eerie school of murder... Brown trouser time.

I find scary spooky vibes worse, like silent hill. I played the demo and never saw one bad thing but man I had to switch it off the vibe and atmosphere scared the ..... out of me

Had missed this, glad someone else experienced the pain that the Silent Hill demo brought.
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Resident Evil 2,

Two way mirror in the interview room!

Worse is Resident Evil Remake on the Gamecube.
You go through a hallway where dogs jump through the first time you go through there on Resident Evil 1 on PSX. On the Remake you expect this (due to the obvious camera angle), but it doesn't happen. About 90 mins of gameplay later you run through the hallway (probably for the 10th time) and zombies burst through. For a second or two your sphincter is chomping a hole in your underpants.
What is so scary about Amnesia? I saw a video on Youtube and it looked crap.

Resident Evil 2 was **** scary (dad bought me it when I was 10).
I still find Silent Hill extremely creapy.
I played Dead Space when I was 20 and that was very very scary.

Am I missing something? I want to try Amnesia but it just looked so poo!
"Babies need sleep"

Sweet jesus I was about to post this.
1st time i met a midwife, I heard it, long before I saw it. When I finally found "her" she had been talking to an alien egg sack and before I could even finish saying "WTF?!?" to myself, she turned round, started screaming and charged me.
She screamed, I screamed (manly scream full of swear words) and I managed to empty an entire clip of ammo into her before I reliased I need AP rounds :eek:
I played condemened 2 for the first time today and almost *** myself on level 1.
The bit where you go into a room with black slime everywhere and there's sacks on the ceiling (which I didn't see) that friggin open and horrid looking creatures drop down close-up!!
Any of the atmospheric levels of FEAR, especially in the early stages when you have no idea what the story is. Best played alone, in a pitch black room - awesome.
Condemened was also very scary as it was very real serial kilers etc..

Funnily I found some levels in Swat 4 kinda scary. Ya didnt know were the criminals were and stuff

ALso oddly I found dead space 1 and 2 not scary at all...They had jump out your seat moment sbut not scary.

For me scary is psychological like real creppy weird spooky stuff, psychological fear.

Dead space was more monsters jump out at you scary, like scary atm but not a whole atmospheric psychological fear such as silent hill.
Very first level of the original AvP!




Beep, Beep....

Me: **** this ****!

haha That sounds ever so familiar :D

Worse is Resident Evil Remake on the Gamecube.
You go through a hallway where dogs jump through the first time you go through there on Resident Evil 1 on PSX. On the Remake you expect this (due to the obvious camera angle), but it doesn't happen. About 90 mins of gameplay later you run through the hallway (probably for the 10th time) and zombies burst through. For a second or two your sphincter is chomping a hole in your underpants.

Oh yea, that got me too.
For me, it's the start of Aliens vs Predator 2. Playing as the marine, you go for about fifteen minutes at the start with your heart busting against your rib cage, waiting for the aliens to come and get you. Around every corner you think they're going to pounce... but nothing. Until you flick the power switch...

As others have said, the cargo deck of the Von Braun in System Shock 2. I'm sure I spent at least 20 game hours slowly creeping around that deck, the horror when being on an upper level at the back of a cargo bay only to suddenly hear the main door open and then close... listening intently to hear if anything came in or not.

Also the mansion in Clive Barker's Undying was pretty creepy.
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