Scariest ''level'' in a video game

Fear where suddenly lights go out and your in the elevator with the girl.
Doom 3 where the robo-dog tries to get through the door locked door fails (you relax), then walks round and comes through the window.
Hiding in the asylum shadows in Manhunter as a looney ran past hoping they didnt see me, always made my heart beat a little faster

My youngest bro (now 30) still can not play condemned after 6pm cos it freaks him out... and ive seen this guy sniff horse tranquilizer :eek:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SOC when you have to go underground and encounter your first bloodsucker. I have never crapped my pants so much before or since that point in any game.

Oh god this! I remember doing the same thing and leaping up from my chair and knocking my monitor down because of the headphone cable. It was the only time I have ever been scared playing a game. I love the Stalker games.
I remember when me and my Dad used to play Tomb Raider there were a few levels that were properly scary. The bit with the dinosaurs, the statues that suddenly start moving and the weird alien type creatures scared the crap out of me :o

:edit: Also the level where you start underwater, sharks are scary :|
Valley of Defilement in Demon's Souls always makes me feel physically uncomfortable. Especially after you find out why it is the way it is.

Scariest however however has to be Amnesia.
What is so scary about Amnesia? I saw a video on Youtube and it looked crap.


Am I missing something? I want to try Amnesia but it just looked so poo!

I'm easily scared but try playing it yourself, its the atmosphere which is amazing.. if it doesn't freak you out while playing alone and in the dark you must not be human or just crazy :D. There is a demo I believe?

Anyway for myself..
HL2 Ravenholm, being an easily scared person, as soon as I exited that lift shaft when the level name popped up and the music came on I felt really uneasy and had to leave it :rolleyes:. It wasn't till I watched my girlfriend playing through the level when she got to it that I managed to get on with it after realising it wasn't *that* bad and knowing how it works..

But I also own Amnesia.. urgh.
I have to have a friend round and make them play it with me.. On my own I try to play it then just end up quitting sometimes under a minute later.. think i've worked myself up too much.

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