Scottish Elections Result



1 Feb 2007
this result is actually a disaster for Cameron, imagine how the tories would feel about breaking up the union, let alone the queen.

Upset for a while and then they will start to be happy when they see just how weak it leaves Labour...silver lining to every cloud and all.
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14 Jul 2003
End of the day you are not going to have independence, so get the idea out of your minds, there is no point in debating it tbh.

If it's voted for in a referendum then it will happen, it's daft to think otherwise. It's partly why Labour etc want it held sooner rather than later, as currently there's little stomach in Scotland for independence, but in a few years if the SNP were doing OK things will be very different.

Saying it won't happen is just silly, you'd have a revolution if it were voted for then ignored by politicians down south.

Let's just hope it gets a huge no vote when the time comes anyway ;)
4 Sep 2005
I have to be honest, even with the mandate they clearly have to hold a referendum, I'm not certain that it will be rearing its head in the next five years. Though David does have much to celebrate, I do think that this does have the potential to be quite difficult.
18 Jan 2004
Sunny Scotland
Some of the anti Scottish posts in here are bang out of order. No sign of moderation though unless you say you pity some **** like BA would.

Carry on with your trolling you only reinforce some peoples opinion of why we should split from the "teet"
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Sorry for the fact some of these posts are from way back, I'm just catching up now.

Seems that Salmond may be pressing ahead with it this term, at least that is what seemed to be the impression I got of a small snippet of a speech from him. (After I asked the question on the boards). Maybe he is hoping the groundswell of support for the SNP is also a show of support for independance?

I've got to say I'm a bit surprised if it's that soon but he must feel pretty confident if he is to press ahead with a referendum.

Not being Scottish I do not really have a say in the matter, I personally think that we would be better of as we are but there are decent arguments to be made either way. I have no doubt that Scotland will be able to cope, but I do not think it would be as strong as it would be as part of the union. I think there are also massive welfare and state dependancy issues that would need to be seriously addressed, more so than the UK as a whole (but possibly less than the North East).

There are a number of issues to be addressed but I hope (and expect) any potential split would be carefully considered to ensure that they were factored in before action was taken.

I am not sure if it is anything to do with the rest of the nation to be honest. If the Scottish people as a whole desire independance that should be it. I would however expect the remaning UK to bargain as hard as possible in any settlement as they would be representing the rest of the UKs interests and not Scotlands.

In some ways it's not up to the rest of the UK but it could have quite a significant impact so it would be interesting to find out what the rest of the UK thinks about it if nothing else - that's assuming they do think about it at all.

Their handling of the edinburgh trams has wasted millions and they are now looking at a new bridge costing billions, I know personally that the construction industry are rubbing their hands at the prospect of ripping off the public again.

My understanding was that the SNP in Holyrood had told Edinburgh City Council (whose project it is) to get stuffed when they asked for more funding - it might be SNP councillors (taking your word for it as I haven't checked) but the wider SNP doesn't appear to be in favour of it and I'm glad to see not given that I can see no logical benefit to adding trams to Edinburgh. The bus service is supposedly the best in the UK or has been on a few occasions in the past decade (let's not get into how poor the rest must be) and goes everywhere the tram does, isn't stuck to specific routes, doesn't require special infrastructure, costs less - against that the main argument for trams is lost on me.

Where is the relation between the BNP and SNP? :confused:

Three letters, two of them the same and all consonants - concidence? ;) I honestly have no idea how one could link the two.

In relation to the prospect of Scottish independence isn't or wasn't Edinburgh up to fairly recently one of the biggest financial centres in Europe after London? If Scotland do get independence (and that's a big if) then provided suitable incentives are in place I don't see why that should change and may even prosper further.
22 Nov 2005
Some of the anti Scottish posts in here are bang out of order. No sign of moderation though unless you say you pity some **** like BA would.

Carry on with your trolling you only reinforce some peoples opinion of why we should split from the "teet"

er some of us said were fine with scottish independance aslong as they dont expect the uk army to protect them, dont expect the pound currency safety net , dont expect to walk away without their fair share of the national debt etc

which is aparently unreasonable and we must hate you... LOL

some of you arent realistic if you expect to split off from the UK and keep all of the benefits with non of the risks aswell as start with a clean balance sheet.

you would be lucky to get the north sea oil even if the UK couldnt keep a claim on it
25 Feb 2004
Heckling for change
er some of us said were fine with scottish independance aslong as they dont expect the uk army to protect them, dont expect the pound currency safety net , dont expect to walk away without their fair share of the national debt etc

which is aparently unreasonable and we must hate you... LOL

some of you arent realistic if you expect to split off from the UK and keep all of the benefits with non of the risks aswell as start with a clean balance sheet.

you would be lucky to get the north sea oil even if the UK couldnt keep a claim on it

There would no longer be a UK army as there would be no UK. Given Scotland's military history with the UK armed forces it would be a shame for that to end, but maybe Scottish armed forces would be more of a European affair. Scotland would not rely on England for defence at all.

I don't see how Scotland would be "lucky" to get North Sea oil when it is in Scottish waters. With a reduction of corporation tax (if the SNP get powers to reduce it), I can see more energy firms moving to Scotland. Boom times ahead I think. :D
7 Nov 2005
I don't see how Scotland would be "lucky" to get North Sea oil when it is in Scottish waters. With a reduction of corporation tax (if the SNP get powers to reduce it), I can see more energy firms moving to Scotland. Boom times ahead I think. :D

I was told they already had the powers to reduce taxes by a certain margin, they've just never used it.

Total admin nightmare for us tax advisors! Keep it all the same please!!
11 Jan 2004
Sydney, Oz

There would no longer be a UK army as there would be no UK. Given Scotland's military history with the UK armed forces it would be a shame for that to end, but maybe Scottish armed forces would be more of a European affair. Scotland would not rely on England for defence at all.

I don't see how Scotland would be "lucky" to get North Sea oil when it is in Scottish waters. With a reduction of corporation tax (if the SNP get powers to reduce it), I can see more energy firms moving to Scotland. Boom times ahead I think. :D

Of course the UK would still exist, where on earth did that come from?
25 Jul 2003
I've just noticed this.

I think plenty people have had enjoyable debates with me over the last few days, English or not and they have said as much. The more extreme cases, I don't really care about them they are not rational people but even then I don't see what I've done wrong in your eyes?

Perhaps if you didn't approach me so pre-tensed you wouldn't have such poor feelings of our initial contact in debate?

I for one have learned so much from so many here through debate, and I am saddened you feel like such.
I read your posts pre-tensed because you're so aggressive in your tone and attitude towards England, that we should be so grateful for Scotlands being part of it rather than the other way round, your dislike for Westminster and the UK in general, and your seemingly unwaverable attitude that Scotland would be better off without the Union. You talk about facts and figures yet when people provide facts and figures that show just how much Scotland would suffer and indeed how much England would suffer you tend to ignore them.

I would dearly love to have a reasoned debate on the subject, and for the most part they are, but in order to have debate one must be willing to have ones mind changed; I've never for once thought you are that kind of person.

Your sig may well have been "tongue in cheek" but its indicative of your general attitude. You can guarantee if it had been the other way round you wouldn't have been so "understanding" of its irony and hilarity. It's always the same. It's ok to bash England, bash the UK, etc but have a go at Scotland? Heaven forbid.
22 Nov 2005
I don't see how Scotland would be "lucky" to get North Sea oil when it is in Scottish waters. With a reduction of corporation tax (if the SNP get powers to reduce it), I can see more energy firms moving to Scotland. Boom times ahead I think. :D
arent they the shetland islands oil? who can break off from scotland if scotland breaks off from the uk?
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
I was told they already had the powers to reduce taxes by a certain margin, they've just never used it.

Total admin nightmare for us tax advisors! Keep it all the same please!!

Maybe the Government was just being nice to you poor beleaguered tax advisors? There has been the power to adjust some of the taxation for a while but presumably it hasn't been viewed as worthwhile - there's also a good chance that if taxes on some things were dropped there'd be further complaints about the Scots getting taxed less, ignoring that it would mean the tax revenue that the Government had to spend would also be reduced.

Of course the UK would still exist, where on earth did that come from?

It would no longer be the UK as constituted though so would probably require some form of renegotiation to proceed - once you remove a constituent part it alters the whole. The chances are high that a new United Kingdom would form with the remaining countries but it's not certain.
22 Nov 2005
wouldnt northern ireland and wales need there own refferendum on independance? why would sotland having one mean everyone else leaves aswell? its not like scotland is the majority binding everyone else together
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