Scottish Inderef Mk2 - lets have a civilized discussion folks.

My prediction: the No vote will win again, and by an even larger margin than last time.

While most Scots voted to remain in the EU, there's still that 38% who voted to leave. The vast majority of those people are going to vote No. They got the result they voted for, and the only way that result doesn't get snatched away from them is if Scotland remains part of the UK. So for the Yes vote to win, it needs a substantial majority of the remaining 62% to choose EU membership over UK membership. I don't think they'll get it.
Nationalists in "we're going to keep asking you this question until you get the answer right you idiots" shocker... :rolleyes:

In defence, there has been a pretty radical shift in circumstances and it's one that if it had been the case at the time, given the closeness of the vote, it's very likely the vote would have gone the other way.
If the Scottish people want independence that is up to them. The SNP are no better than those in Westminster (look at the airgun laws in Scotland they are hilarious and insulting).
I would say put the facts up pro's and cons and let people know what they are voting for.
This won't happen, they will get the same lies and counter lies that the whole of the UK had with Brexit.
Peoples vote will be based on nonsense.
Actually you know what? **** this. I was hoping for a civil discussion and yet theirs so many..... urrgh no I wont be dragged down by the folk just slinging out insults :/ You wonder why we wanna go? its this **** right here all prettied up and housed in Westminster.

Given the OPs record so far of lighting blue touch paper and then contributing nothing other than pictures of things others have said I suspect we'll quickly be back were we were last time with the same poster just pasting RSS Wings over Scotland screen snips and cartoons.

im not allowed to walk away from my pc and go to work? I;ve to stay here and just be the 24/7 keyboard warrior you must be. Christ you must work for the Daily Mail.

Urrrgh can a mod now lock this **** show but keep it up as a shining example of what to expect when you would like a little discussion?
If the Scottish people want independence that is up to them. The SNP are no better than those in Westminster (look at the airgun laws in Scotland they are hilarious and insulting).
I would say put the facts up pro's and cons and let people know what they are voting for.
This won't happen, they will get the same lies and counter lies that the whole of the UK had with Brexit.
Peoples vote will be based on nonsense.

To be fair to them, the SNP did try that in the last ref, some of their vision was nonsense right enough but at least they had a starting point of a manifesto which could be queried, challenges etc.
That was the missing thing during the brexit campaign and now we've got a massive mess where no one knows what was actually voted for
Anyone in England need a oracle middleware developer ;)

Seriously i think they'll keep trying indyref until they get the answer they want :(
The odds on this are long but if by any chance the Scots vote for indepenance and either stay in the EU or rejoin, then I think it only fair a proper border is put in place as the last thing the rest of the UK needs is a Eu member country on its door step with the lack immigration controls and easy access to the rest of the UK marketplace.

Oh, like southern ireland? :rolleyes:
Okay Kaladon, lets have a discussion then...

It's my opinion that a second independence referendum for Scotland now would be a catastrophic mistake with long lasting and ultimately unknown consequences for both the remaining UK and Scotland. As far as my understanding goes, a spokesman for the European Union has previously come out and said that there could be no special brexit arrangement for Scotland and that if it did break from the United Kingdom it would have to apply to join the European Union from scratch, it wouldn't be allowed to just remain under international law. If I'm correct on this then what is the plan for Scotland? As an independent nation can it sustain itself? If not will it ask Westminster to continue paying to its national budget?

Personally I believe that as a whole we're stronger together I don't trust politicians in general, I do support Jeremy Corbyn though, whether they're North of the Border or in that cess pit in London.
The odds on this are long but if by any chance the Scots vote for indepenance and either stay in the EU or rejoin, then I think it only fair a proper border is put in place as the last thing the rest of the UK needs is a Eu member country on its door step with the lack immigration controls and easy access to the rest of the UK marketplace.

To be honest its a fair point. How do you control the border between Scotland and the remainder of the UK? Having a potential EU country* on the doorstep with free movement you would have to have something in place? A third go at building a wall? Maybe ask Trump for suggestions? Joking aside I don't see how its even feasible.

*not 100% convinced that the EU would accept Scotland back at this point in time.
My prediction: the No vote will win again, and by an even larger margin than last time.
A year before the vote, my grandad shut me down in front of the whole family for "trying to brainwash folk" while discussing the possible merits of independence. I hadn't even enthused an opinion, just stated facts. He and my grandma were staunch unionists.
Turns out the majority of my family were too. That region got the 2nd highest remain vote among the counties.

Cut to today, everyone I spoke to is now for independence. The lying and scaremongering from westminster was bad enough, and brexit was the last straw. You may be surprised.
Does Scotland really think they can "just" join the EU after they leave the UK? They must be drinking some strong stuff up there.
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