Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

Good call with the public proxies, hadn't thought of that as contingency :) Hopefully I'll soon manage my 90 odd per day. How are we looking with our current output?
Thanks for the detailed info, will keep that to one side just in case.

And please stop talkign about 100+ WU's a day, my poor little X2 is steaming (literally) away here for all it's worth. It's going to get a inferiority complex. :p ;)
RobOC said:
Good call with the public proxies, hadn't thought of that as contingency :) Hopefully I'll soon manage my 90 odd per day. How are we looking with our current output?

Let's see...
14,279 WUs crunched since 0:00 GMT

235,028 WUs to go before we reach their current level.

That's 5,000 fewer than we needed yesterday.

Mmmust... keep... crunching. :eek:
Just done some quick calculations from the Seti website team stats.

By my reckoning we need a daily gain of 7582 to draw level (thats if the production rate is unchanged for the whole month).

Currently it is 5425. But not all people are involved/up to full speed yet.

[EDIT] I Apologies for the triple posts, i hold my head in shame[/EDIT]
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Right, up to 8 processors now. Just going to have a look at rolling out to a room of P4's with setiremote, we'll see how that goes.
Right all of my machines are up and crunching now. Ill wait for things to settle before i look at how many woos im crunching a day.

How did everyone hear about S@H? Was it TV, Internet, a friend?

I found out about it on sky news. I can remember why it was on the news, but after i saw it i went and downloaded the screensaver onto a 450mhz p3 that used to get thru 1 woo in about 2 days.

ah memories.
Sammael said:
Unfortunately it seems a lot of my machines were busy folding still after I installed S@H. Folding has been removed from the machines, so now all machines should be crunching. Only did this at about 9 this morning though!!

I'm looking at adding more instances of S@H on the machines that are multiCPU capable, like the P4's and the 3 XEON Dual CPU servers! :D

You can run multple CPU's if you use Seti Driver.

Just set it up as a Task to run at bootup.
a guy i was at uni with had a small team and he got me into it, then a guy i talked to often on msn told me about folding and i went over to that

then i found this place and did a bit more classic with the proper client :)
oh and of course i switched my old credits over to this team :D
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I remember trying it for the first time after it was mentioned on a Tomorrows World a long time ago. That must have been 1997 or something I would guess. Admitedly I have jumped around projects every few years since then though :D
Just added me two most powerful boxen at home, a FX51 and P4 3.2EE, others to come on over the next 24 hours when their boinc caches run dry.
Ok, have just rolled to 31 P4's but as slacky as it sounds, I'm only going to be able to let the service run overnight as I'll be in major problems if the machines are found to be unresponsive during the day. I'll see if I can blag some more tomorrow.
Remember that SETi Classic does not use too many system resources. I've never seen any bogging ussues with S@H. It almost always uses fewer than 30 MB RAM. Compare that to a QMD for FAH where the unit uses 300 MB RAM.
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BillytheImpaler said:
Remember that SETi Classic does not use too many system resources. I've never seen any bogging ussues with S@H. It almost always uses fewer than 30 MB RAM. Compare that to a QMD for FAH where the unit uses 300 MB RAM.

I had one complaint today - someone said he had a "not enough memory" type message. That would have been on an Athlon 1200, with lowly 192 MB Ram. I just told him to ignore it :D Maybe I should have stopped the boinc client running completely before adding classic - but looking at the running processes, it seems classic has a slightly higher priority than boinc, since it's classic not boinc that is hogging the idle (but it's not) CPU time.
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