Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

Most bogging issues I see are not caused by something hogging the CPU, rather, they're caused by something or somethings hogging all the memory. How much memory does the BOINC client use? How much memory was the user trying to use? I think it's safe to say that an Athlon 1200 with 192 MB RAM is not typical to what we're borging here.

Oh! By the way, Rich, If you're reading this, you've less than a day before I claim your vaunted S@C cell.
The Athlon 1200 was by far the worst PC in the office. Still he is also by far the worst PC user. The two worst cases deserve each other!

Hmm these seti@work stats for us are a bit weird for yesterday, how come we had a negative 15000 WUs :confused:
OK, so this may well be fun and all that pushing for No 1, but apart from bragging rights are we really achieving anything:

seti@home boinc technical news 15 Nov 05 said:
Right now science being done in SETI@home classic is redundant to the science in SETI@home/BOINC, so this will be the last of the big science merges.
BillytheImpaler said:
That is a bit odd. So far for today, the 16th, it says we have 27,683 WUs. Seeing as the 16th is not yet an hour old, perhaps they're applying yesterday's total to today?

Hmm, I'm not seeing that.

Don't say someone has split on us after all this :(
/Yawns :o

Waking up all the old SETI Classic stuff now. Public SetiQueue is back online if anyone needs it.

MGP said:
OK, so this may well be fun and all that pushing for No 1, but apart from bragging rights are we really achieving anything:
Not really, but it's only for a month, then we all go back to doing the big science again. :)
If you going to use SetiSpy or some third party monitor that runs the commandline version then setiathome-3.03.i386-winnt-cmdline.exe, this works on XP as i'm running it now.

Running the CL version is the quickest, i assume the GUI version would be setiathome_win_3_03.exe, but i've never run the GUI version as it's slower.
Answering the call. I'll begin borging when I get home later, though I've never even seen Seti classic before, so I may be returning for some advice :)
Ok x2 is running both cores, although i dont know how to see the progress of the second core in seti driver?
Sammael, seeing as I can't create a new account I'm going to be logging on with your email address dude.

Another team account if people are desperately looking for somewhere to crunch...


Nice and easy to remember. :D
Yewen said:
Ok x2 is running both cores, although i dont know how to see the progress of the second core in seti driver?

I don't think you can, i'm using SetiSpy to run SetiDriver and SetiSpy's progress display switches between the running WU's when one finishes.
I'll set it up when I get home too. Gosh, just logged in and these are my old stats!

SETI@home member since 11 Jun 1999
Total credit 0.00
Recent average credit 0.00
SETI@home classic workunits as of 15 March 2005 2,157
SETI@home classic CPU time as of 15 March 2005 15,322 hours

That's nearly 2 years of CPU! Bloomin eck.

That's from when I used to be London around 2000 when I first bought an overclock guaranteed Duron! I was single, rented a flat, now I'm married, in my second house and daughter due any day! Doesn't time fly.
First thing's first - actually join the OcUK Team (forgot to move it over from old team :o ).

At least that's 651WUs to the cause :p

Just found all my old SETI@Home Commandline stuff - so will get on with it soon :)

I too started with SETI@Home, and when the project ends it'll be 3 years (bar 4 days) since I joined, so I best send it off with style by reaching 1000WUs.

Ahhh the days of crunching soley on an Athlon 1GHz :D

If I remember correctly I actually saw it on - but had heard of it vaguely beforehand - not knowing what it really did.

This has got me kind of sad now :(
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