Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

I'm back. Not returned anything for a year or so. Though Currently at 297.

Total credit 10,290.74
SETI@home classic workunits
as of 15 March 2005 5,044
SETI@home classic CPU time
as of 15 March 2005 37,541 hours

Just upgraded (3200 XP64) should be a bit faster than before. :)
BLimey is it really still going...I get my rig at home crunching a few........

them where the days :D

GJUK - I think I got to about 6000 units
Sammael said:
If you can't remember your user account, you'll find my SETI mail address is the same as my MSN address. View my forum profile, You'll find that address in trust :) (sorry about not posting it here, but I don't want unregistered members etc getting hold of it!)

Ive had to run the GF's lappy (AMD Sempron 1.8GHz, 256 MB) in your name, I can't remember my password and my email account was hijacked months ago :(
Hope that OK :)

Will add my AMD3000 Venice in an hour or so.

Edit/ Just found that I ran seti for 4 months and returned a few units[email protected]&cmd=user_stats_new :D

Nice sig BTW Mattus
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Members switching so far (16th Nov 17:15)

Sammael (~430 CPUs)
RobOC (54 CPUs)
MGP (~33 CPUs)
KE1HA (~20 CPUs?)
Whitestar (14 CPUs)
BillyTheImpaler (12 CPUs)
lay-z-boy (10 CPUs)
Null (5 CPUs)
dunc (4 CPUs)
Phil99 (3 CPUs)
Mattus (3 CPUs)
Yewen (3 CPUs)
R0551 (2 CPUs)
KillBait (2 CPUs)
diogenese (1 CPU)
TwoFace76 (1 CPU)
Stringy (1 CPU)
MikeHunt79 (1 CPU)
b (thats it)
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RobOC said:
Ya I noticed that :confused: :( PJ, come baaack! Thats a lot of credit for us to make up!

Wait, I'm confused. :confused: Did he leave first then rejoin or did he join first then leave?

Also, holy crap! I leave to go to maths lecture and come back to 40 more posts in this thread. What dedication! Mr. Berserker, continue to pimp our cause whenever and wherever possible.
NeedleGunner said:
Just found that I ran seti for 4 months and returned a few units[email protected]&cmd=user_stats_new :D

Mr. Gunner! I've had a looksee at your user page and have noticed that you are not a member of any team! :eek: You must immediately go to the OcUK team page, click "Join," enter your password (which is a bunch of random numbers that they emailed you), thusly transferring your 64 WUs to the good ship stompah.

It's imperative!
Ok, someone needs to help me here. I have the 3.03 cmdline client (using the team caffeine account) running, which is making one core do some work, but I'm not sure how to use Seti driver to run a second client.

Help a noob?
SetiDriver instructions are here, extract it to a folder and place the seti commandline prog in th same folder, configure and you sorted.

Make sure you set these two options in SetiDriver

"Maximum Processes" in setidriver is set to 2
"Desired cache Size" is also 2

And it should churn away 2 clients happily, increase the cache size if you like to store some spare units incase your net connection/berkeley goes down.
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Otacon said:
Ok, someone needs to help me here. I have the 3.03 cmdline client (using the team caffeine account) running, which is making one core do some work, but I'm not sure how to use Seti driver to run a second client.

Help a noob?

Sure. Stop the client from running. You might need to jsut delete the work it has and start over becasue it might make it easier.

Run SetiDriver. It'll suggest 2 in the "Maximum Processes" box. That's good. In "Desired Cache Size" put 1. Press transmit. It'll pull up a command window and ask for your info. tell it "2" and then the email address for team caffiene. It'll then downlaod a WU. Go back to SetiDriver and check "Hide Precessing" and "Auto Transmit." Change the desired cache size to 2. It'll get another WU and thus be using both cores. Check "Set Processor Affinity."

Did that do it?

To use a SetiQueue server, change the proxy checkmark to proxy, enter the address of the server in the top box and 5517 in the bottom box.
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Set the number of Maximum Processes to equal the number of CPUs (physical and/or logical) you have, that should do the trick :)

On a side, SETI Driver can't display the progress of more than one WU, so it may well be that you've set it up correctly but that you're only able to see one WU being crunched.
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Thanks for that, getting there I think :)

Seti driver now has one client running with my cache size as '1', though I guess it obviously needs more for client 2. What do people suggest I set my cache to?
Depends on how many WUs your rig can get through per day really. I've set mine to 30, which is roughly equal to one and a half days (I can get through 20-ish per day), but you might want to set it to hold more than that. Apparently it can handle 99+ comfortably, thought that may be a bit on the high side.
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