Yeah the case comes with mounting brackets that attach to the middle of the radiator on either side, and into the roof of the case in the gap between the top fans. Quite handy as it gives a push/pull arrangement with the radiator fans and the top 20cm fans.
I love the rv01
Havent you said that in a few posts of mine lol
A sign that love is strong.
Just a little one[IMG]
You lovely lovely person.
How'd you do that? :( Where do you buy your acrylic from?
Also got a link to that build log.
[quote="KiiYzOo, post: 20772187"]If only I could find a cheap rv01 and paint it white.......
edit - forgot to say white and orange :p[/QUOTE]
i5 or RV01? :p
i5 or RV01?
You lovely lovely person.
How'd you do that? Where do you buy your acrylic from?
Also got a link to that build log.
Very nice, what are the specs ?
he has one, I don't (the i5)