Show us your kitty cats

Well that's just it. She's a naturally scrawny little cat and with this thing she's got in her skin a the moment her coat isn't looking too great so she's got stray written all over her! :(

Poppy's food allergy makes her skin flare up badly. She looked awful a few weeks back, when the weather was really nice, and I was sat out in the garden. Poppy had been wandering round the allotments next to our house and I saw a woman looking at her and stroking her. Poppy then jumped up onto our wall and came to sit on me - the woman stood giving me evils for ages, she actually walked up from the allotments and stood at my gate looking like she was going to come to speak to me. Thought about shouting, "Thanks for your concern but she's got allergies and she has gazillions spent on her, I'm not a bad owner!"

Get one of the safety collars that MP3D suggested, they are pretty good these days.
I like the kitten.
But I also like this guy:


...he looks very moody.
I like the kitten.
But I also like this guy:

...he looks very moody.

Haha, sometimes his face does give that impression due to it's flat nature! Great cat though, lovely temperament and lots of cats he like boxes/small spaces!
I posted exactly the same news a few months back around x-mas time. Mine turned up about 5 days later looking a bit sorry for himself, but otherwise fine.

Hopefully you'll be the same!

One of my other cats disappeared back in September (See Page 69 - 71 ish) and he turned up after 12 days right as rain lol.

Damn cats :p
So my cat is back! Typically I had just printed off 150 posters + laminated 15 of them at work today lol. Ah well good to have her back.

No clue where she has been. Shut in someones garage / shed i would guess. A little skinny but otherwise fine :)
So my cat is back! Typically I had just printed off 150 posters + laminated 15 of them at work today lol. Ah well good to have her back.

No clue where she has been. Shut in someones garage / shed i would guess. A little skinny but otherwise fine :)

Great news. Hope she got lots of hugs and kisses.

If my cat went missing, I would not sleep until I found her!
So my cat is back! Typically I had just printed off 150 posters + laminated 15 of them at work today lol. Ah well good to have her back.

No clue where she has been. Shut in someones garage / shed i would guess. A little skinny but otherwise fine :)

hobble her like the woman does to the author in misery!

that'll stop her doing it again :p

FINALLY managed to get a proper photo of him! He's murder to take a picture of due to his fur, the whites always blow!

Anyway, heres Tony, had him almost a year now, still is the friendliest cat I've met to date :)
So my cat is back! Typically I had just printed off 150 posters + laminated 15 of them at work today lol. Ah well good to have her back.

No clue where she has been. Shut in someones garage / shed i would guess. A little skinny but otherwise fine :)

Congrats mate :)

And thanks Loam! He's certainly a cheeky sod!
Hey all,

I'm looking for some advice.

I love cats, we've always had a cat in the family while I was living at home, but I've been living the missus for a fair few years now and miss having a cat, especially since, Pebbles, our family cat for the last 21 years passed away last year. So, I'm interested in getting a cat of my own.

The only problem I see is that we live in a 3rd floor apartment, so any potential cat would never get to go outside and have to be a house cat. I know people have house cats, but I guess my question is will this in any way be cruel to the animal to keep it locked inside 24/7?
Hey all,

I'm looking for some advice.

I love cats, we've always had a cat in the family while I was living at home, but I've been living the missus for a fair few years now and miss having a cat, especially since, Pebbles, our family cat for the last 21 years passed away last year. So, I'm interested in getting a cat of my own.

The only problem I see is that we live in a 3rd floor apartment, so any potential cat would never get to go outside and have to be a house cat. I know people have house cats, but I guess my question is will this in any way be cruel to the animal to keep it locked inside 24/7?

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