Show us your kitty cats

Hey all,

I'm looking for some advice.

I love cats, we've always had a cat in the family while I was living at home, but I've been living the missus for a fair few years now and miss having a cat, especially since, Pebbles, our family cat for the last 21 years passed away last year. So, I'm interested in getting a cat of my own.

The only problem I see is that we live in a 3rd floor apartment, so any potential cat would never get to go outside and have to be a house cat. I know people have house cats, but I guess my question is will this in any way be cruel to the animal to keep it locked inside 24/7?
As long as it's raised from a kitten in that environment it will be fine. I have 2 apartment cats, soon to be 3.
I know people have house cats, but I guess my question is will this in any way be cruel to the animal to keep it locked inside 24/7?

Definitely not.

Most pedigree cat breeders tell you before you buy that you shouldn't allow the cat outside.

If I let my 2 cats outside, one of my cats would more than likely be involved in cat fights on a daily basis (due to his alpha male tendencies) and I would probably get complaints from neighbours. And if I let the other cat outside, he would end up getting stolen (due to his exotic looks).

I live in London, so there is no way I could allow my 2 outside, unsupervised.
My Bengal goes outside. His previous owners let him out from a young age, so now he is impossible to keep in.
I do worry about him, he looks obviously "different" and has very little common sense. But if I try to keep him in he goes INSANE.
Do many people here keep cats in rented accommodation?

Me and my partner are looking to get a cat in a few months time, once we have found a new place, but a lot of (if not all) terms on rented accommodation states no pets.
I've got two in a rental. We asked our landlord after we moved in and he didn't have a problem with it at all - even though the letting agreement said no pets, it turned out he actually wasn't bothered at all and the previous tenant had had a dog.
We're in a rented house too. And we have two cats. Landlord was fine with it, and as above, the last tenant had a dog.

And to answer an earlier question, our two cats are indoor cats. We live right outside a very busy main road, and the neighbours dont take kindly to cats at all on their gardens.

They were brought up as kittens indoors so are completly fine with it. I need to advise though, that you will need to spend some quality time with them each day so they dont get too bored. Feather on a stick, laser pen etc all make excellent toys for them to chase and get tired.
My Bengal goes outside. His previous owners let him out from a young age, so now he is impossible to keep in.
I do worry about him, he looks obviously "different" and has very little common sense. But if I try to keep him in he goes INSANE.

What area do you live?
Do you live close to a town centre or close to major roads (with fast flowing traffic)?
A relatives new MaineCoon kitten


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What area do you live?
Do you live close to a town centre or close to major roads (with fast flowing traffic)?
Close to a relatively busy A road with fast flowing (allegedly 30mph :rolleyes:) traffic.

Worries me to death but the alternative is him wailing like a baby being strangled at several hundred decibels for hours on end. He seems quite afraid of the road, but you never know.
I've been offered a pedigree cat...for free.

Basically some pedigree cats have been bred but this one has come out the wrong colour so is unwanted (which is disgusting in my opinion) so I've been offered said cat for nothing.

Dammit, wish I had the time to look after another, can anyone else take on a cat? I can post a picture if needed!
Looking after 2 cats isn't much different than 1.

I have my reasons, I barely have enough time to make sure Tony gets plenty of attention, let alone 2 cats. Plus we already have 2 dogs here, quite frankly I don't want my house to be a zoo :)

Everyone, meet Pumpkin

I have my reasons, I barely have enough time to make sure Tony gets plenty of attention, let alone 2 cats. Plus we already have 2 dogs here, quite frankly I don't want my house to be a zoo :)

Everyone, meet Pumpkin


He looks like a kitty that won't take any **** from anyone. haha!
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