Show us your kitty cats

My understanding is that Maine Coons can keep growing until age 4 - they grow slower than other breeds. For comparison, a Bengal will reach full size by around 18 months.
Bruce is gorgeous. Give him manly hugs from me :D I mean seriously, d'awww factor turned up to 11 right there.

On a serious note... my Bella is about 15 months now. She's really timid and very cautious of new people, but she was living with other cats and dogs until 8 months.

I'm now thinking of introducing a male kitten. The breeder said that would be fine, but just before I got her mentioned that her other cats may (not sure) have been bullying her a little.

On the one hand, I want Bella to have a playmate. She's an indoor cat, and I think the company would be good for her.

On the other hand, it would be terrible if she felt threatened by another cat, or they didn't get on...

From what I've read, opposite sex cats where the 2nd is a young kitten have the best chance of success. Bella is still young and wants to play all the time. She doesn't hiss or attack other cats when she meets them, she just approaches them super cautiously. Our neighbours cat who she's met the most is not friendly, however.

I'm just wondering how timid Bella acts, whether she'll be better off alone or if another kitty would be a good thing for her.
Ask me in a few days. We've had lots of hissing and Lola has swiped at him once. Bruce was just very submissive and sat still. He's now conked out on the bed with me and I'm waiting for Dave and Lola to come in from outside. Dave still hasn't met him.

I'm planning on shutting him in one room when I'm out at first, and then Dave and Lola will have the cat flap and bedroom to themselves. Will put their food in there so that they can both eat during the day.

Only going to leave them for short periods over the next few days.
A bit of moaning and the odd swipe are par for the course. They'll be best buddies in a few days.

I really really hope so. He's such a little sweetie, and angry Lola is not like her at all. She's a lovely thing usually.

My flat is tiny, hence why I'm gonna shut them in different rooms when I'm out to start with. I'm moving as soon as my sale goes through, and then they'll have a bedroom each! :D

Are you going to rename Bruce Kaitlyn when you cut his balls off?

Haha. Hadn't thought of that. :)
Disaster imminent!

As part of the home improvements I'm currently going through, I've recently had the windows and doors replaced with fancy new PVC stuff and as a result the rest of the house looks old and tatty, including the windowsills.

Last week I stripped them back, by various methods, to make them ready for painting; just typical white gloss.

This is where the potential disaster lurks.

Luna is black, drops a lot of hair and is essentially impossible to deter from climbing on anything she wants, when she's in a room. The paint is white, will be very sticky and will be impossible to cover while it is drying.

The net result may very well be a mottled white cat, paw marks in the paint, white paw marks everywhere else and black hair in the paintwork.

So the question is, how do I prevent Luna from getting on the freshly painted windowsills, which she loves to sit on and stare out of the window, while they are wet and sticky (which could last for a few days before it's properly dry)?! Bear in mind that while I can shut her out of some rooms, I can't keep her from all of them. Also, more than one coat of paint is likely to be needed so this won't be a quick one day event!

Pictures will be provided depending on the outcome :p
Bruce is also a great name. He has a pretty chunky face/head. Perhaps he is going to fill out to be a big cat. Therefore Bruce would be even more a fitting name :D
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