Today at about 2:25pm, my cat Blimm died.
He collapsed on saturday night and had problems breathing, so I took him to the pdsa emergency vet and they kept him until sunday morning, when he seemed to be just fine.
He spent pretty much all of sunday sat on my lap whilst we watched some movies. The he slept on the bed next to me all night and most of the morning today. I decided to sack work off today and I'm glad I did, because I was there with him. He snoozed on my chest for a couple of hours after lunch, then he seemed to twitch and turn his chest in the opposite direction to his back legs, then he went down on to the floor, yowled and took about 5 steps until he lay down on his side.
I think he took another half dozen laboured breaths, each further apart than the last and then was gone.
I ran round to my local vet just round the corner, but it was to late. They checked to see if he had a heartbeat, but he didn't, so there wasn't anything to do.
I wrapped him up in his fleece blanket off my bed and took him to a place where he'll be cremated individually and not as part of a job lot all mixed up.
I know a lot of people will say 'he's only a cat'. But he was my lad.
I miss my little furball.