Show us your kitty cats

I know a lot of people will say 'he's only a cat'. But he was my lad.

RIP Blimm.. Sorry to hear that! :(

It's National Black Cat Day today so here's one of mine doing what he does best..

Sorry to hear of your loss jumpy. You don't have to apologise on here (not in this thread anyway) about feeling for your cat the way you do. We all love our babies in here and I think I can say for the vast majority that we all treat them like family members. Hell, I prefer my cat's company to some of my own family!! Cat's are adorable creatures and soon work their way into our hearts. I usually end up with tears in my eyes when a member loses a cat on here thininking about what if it was one of mine?
Brilliant name for a cat jumpy. Sorry for your loss, when I read your post this morning it brought tears to my eyes.
I have had my new chair for a month now and it soon became a battle of wits to see who got there first.

I lost out tonight

But being a rise and recliner I can tip him off if need be - it's funny seeing him slide slowly off the front edge :D

My cat never sleeps like that. Is it a male cat thing? She always tucks herself into a compact little ball, tail over nose, and makes herself as tiny as possible. It's not cold, and she's always really hot to the touch when I pick her up.
That's the fell asleep after belly tickles pose..........then you see the lipstick! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! dirty bugger!

does this mean were gay?

oi, at least stay awake and talk to me a while

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Just thought I'd say thanks for all your kind words.
All in all this week has been kind of rubbish; though returning home to an empty house on monday and tuesday were the worst.

I guess it only really hits home how much of a part of your daily experience your animals can be when they're not with you any more. I caught myself looking out of the corner of my eye when I was making a cup of tea yesterday, expecting to see him sat in the kitchen doorway next to his food bowl with an expectant gleam in his eye.

I feel a bit guilty that I wasn't able to do more for him, but I know that's just part of what happened.

In not so many words all I really have to say is - it's not fair.

Tomorrow I go to collect his ashes. The place I took him to were very kind and took the time of day to have a chat before I left him in their care on monday evening.

Bit of an end of an era for me, so... give all of your fuzzballs some belly rubs, even if they do show you the lolly-pop afterwards ;)
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