Show us your kitty cats

I decided against PetPlan given the reviews I read on TrustPilot and from friends and family.

Who did you end up with insurance wise btw?

Millie the magnificent.


Picture states 17.01.17, forum post states 16.01.17 - *Mind Blown*

I've come home to a right mess on several occasions after accidentally leaving the door open to where the food is kept. We have some wet pouches in there, I was amazed just how industrious they can be. They had ripped it open and licked it completely clean, it was pristine - you'd think it had been washed and dried.

Dry food on the other hand - everywhere!
I've come home to a right mess on several occasions after accidentally leaving the door open to where the food is kept. We have some wet pouches in there, I was amazed just how industrious they can be. They had ripped it open and licked it completely clean, it was pristine - you'd think it had been washed and dried.

My G/F's cat knocked the fish food tub off the tank to try and open it but failed and it landed lid down, so he chewed around the bottom of the tub in a circle to completely saw off the bottom.
I'm still smiling to myself about how awesome "Kato" is for a cat name!

I'd be constantly shouting "NOT NOW KATO!"

Why isn't the other one called Inspector Clueso? :D

Ahhhh PinkPanther :D
I'm still smiling to myself about how awesome "Kato" is for a cat name!

I'd be constantly shouting "NOT NOW KATO!"

Why isn't the other one called Inspector Clueso? :D

Ahhhh PinkPanther :D

That's pretty much the reason why we called him that. When we went to look at the kittens from our local RSPCA centre i'd pick him up and straight away he would be climbing all over my shoulders and trying to get on my head. If he didn't do that he would just be really awkward and frustrating.
And for some reason that's why we bought him.
And evie was the wifes choice as she really liked the name i just call her stinkers (the cat)
That's pretty much the reason why we called him that. When we went to look at the kittens from our local RSPCA centre i'd pick him up and straight away he would be climbing all over my shoulders and trying to get on my head. If he didn't do that he would just be really awkward and frustrating.
And for some reason that's why we bought him.
And evie was the wifes choice as she really liked the name i just call her stinkers (the cat)

Amazing. I hope you say "not now you imbecile!" everytime he pesters you when you and your wife are about to get jiggy :p :D

Anyway, C&H this morning when attempting to go for a shower.


They love that foot towel for some odd reason. The amount of times I've nearly trodden on one of them getting out of the shower :p
My cat has started over-grooming recently. We believe its due to stress. Nothing new in the house or anything. He has always been a natural born killer and defender of his territory, so could be regular intruders are messing with his stress levels.

People give him plenty of attention which he cant get enough of and has regular new toys.

Any suggestions on what i can do to destress him?

i am thinking a Feliway thing but i dont know if they work. Maybe smoke a big catknip joint with him?
i am thinking a Feliway thing but i dont know if they work. Maybe smoke a big catknip joint with him?

The feliway things certainly do work, but they take a little while to take effect apparently.

The yeowww is pretty good for zoning our cat out, and he's not fussed about most catnip stuff - if he's been stressed (hoover or the like) he quite often goes to his yeowww banana for a sniff
I found the feliway plug in worked but they hated the spray when I tried that on any of their blankets/bedding. It was like it was too strong for them that way.
I found the feliway plug in worked but they hated the spray when I tried that on any of their blankets/bedding. It was like it was too strong for them that way.

Wall plug spray is on the way.

I hope it helps with the over-grooming. The handheld spray looks more like a knockout gas solution so you can kidnap them and take them to the vet, rather than a 24/7 scented cat candle.
In need of a bit of advice if possible.

Our cat hasn't been well the past few days, we noticed she had the runs on Sunday I think it was. We were a tad careless Saturday night and the cat ended up licking a bit of BBQ sauce from a hunters chicken. So we stopped giving her food to let her stomach hopefully settle, then started giving her bits of chicken to ease her back in to eating again. She seemed to be getting better, so yesterday we gave her some of her normal food, not as much as she used to have, just a bit of it, butagain this morning, she'd had the runs, and for the second time was unable to make it to her litter tray and had made a mess on the carpet.

Bar having an upset tummy, she's been her normal self, running about, rolling on the floor and playing. Probably wanted cuddles more than usual but that's to be expected.

Anything to worry about? What do people reckon?
I'd just keep an eye on her. The fact that her behaviour is normal otherwise suggests to me she isn't in pain. Just her stomach/intestines are upset.

Its possible than an ingredient within the BBQ hasn't agreed with her and has caused her to have the runs. These things take time to rebuild.

Restrict her diet as you have done. Does she eat dry food? I'd be tempted to switch to that only if possible.
I'd just keep an eye on her. The fact that her behaviour is normal otherwise suggests to me she isn't in pain. Just her stomach/intestines are upset.

Its possible than an ingredient within the BBQ hasn't agreed with her and has caused her to have the runs. These things take time to rebuild.

Restrict her diet as you have done. Does she eat dry food? I'd be tempted to switch to that only if possible.

Yeah that's what we think.

I'm hoping it's that, although I do feel slightly responsible as it was my food that's caused the upset stomach.

She doesn't tend to eat dry food as that gives her a bad stomach as well.
Yeah I get it. You want to help. I think what you're doing right now is the right thing. I would stick with plain chicken in that case. Little to upset the stomach when prepared properly. The less upset it gets the more chance it has to recover. These things take time though.

If her behaviour changes, take her to the vets. Otherwise, my diagnoses is lots of cuddles. :)
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