Really sorry to hear this.Thanks guys
That photo he actually looks pretty ok
That was about 6 weeks ago
Sadly he's went downhill a lot since then
From 6.5kg to 3.5kg which is very drastic weight loss
The vets think he may have a GIST
Which by weird coincidence my partner has
Though she's responding really well to chemotherapy
But given his age and the fact he gets absolutely stressed
And travel sick before even leaving the car park
They don't recommend putting him through it
In order to take him for more thorough tests/xrays/mri/ct etc
And being diabetic clashes with some treatments
That might be possible anyway
Luckily the vets are mobile so been visiting constantly
But they're limited to ultrasound and physically feeling his abdomen
As mobile vets they have to send him to another vet
For the more extensive scans
I know I have to make the decision
But poorly as he is he still plods out and somehow jumps up
Onto the stool for his insulin injection
Sits there purring away while being injected
And looks up at me so trustingly that I feel awful for contemplating
What i am thinking of having done
Wow I am a right mess
I guess when the vets come i will have to bite the bullet
At least since they're mobile he will be in his own home
If that's what it comes down to
But boy is this hard
Just over seven months ago I had to make the decision. She'd lost weight, couldn't keep anything down and any further tests would have probably done her in. She was painfully thin and weak in the end. She always got stressed going to the vet.
Even in her worst state she managed to drag herself downstairs to curl up with me the evening before. Damn, I'm still welling up thinking about it.
Really sorry to hear. The one good thing in an awful time was that up here there was the option of having a travelling vet that came out to deal with it all as well.
It meant she could be at home and we could be with her which at least made it as good as it could be for her and is.
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