Show us your kitty cats

Thanks guys
That photo he actually looks pretty ok
That was about 6 weeks ago
Sadly he's went downhill a lot since then
From 6.5kg to 3.5kg which is very drastic weight loss
The vets think he may have a GIST
Which by weird coincidence my partner has
Though she's responding really well to chemotherapy
But given his age and the fact he gets absolutely stressed
And travel sick before even leaving the car park
They don't recommend putting him through it
In order to take him for more thorough tests/xrays/mri/ct etc
And being diabetic clashes with some treatments
That might be possible anyway
Luckily the vets are mobile so been visiting constantly
But they're limited to ultrasound and physically feeling his abdomen
As mobile vets they have to send him to another vet
For the more extensive scans

I know I have to make the decision
But poorly as he is he still plods out and somehow jumps up
Onto the stool for his insulin injection
Sits there purring away while being injected
And looks up at me so trustingly that I feel awful for contemplating
What i am thinking of having done

Wow I am a right mess
I guess when the vets come i will have to bite the bullet
At least since they're mobile he will be in his own home
If that's what it comes down to
But boy is this hard
Really sorry to hear this.

Just over seven months ago I had to make the decision. She'd lost weight, couldn't keep anything down and any further tests would have probably done her in. She was painfully thin and weak in the end. She always got stressed going to the vet.

Even in her worst state she managed to drag herself downstairs to curl up with me the evening before. Damn, I'm still welling up thinking about it.

Really sorry to hear. The one good thing in an awful time was that up here there was the option of having a travelling vet that came out to deal with it all as well.

It meant she could be at home and we could be with her which at least made it as good as it could be for her and is.
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They sound very much like ours
Sadly a lot of the vets now being bought out
By hedge fund companies you feel some of the compassion
Has gone from them
In the bid to meet earnings/pay shareholders etc
Been a long time since I moved south to avoid the Scottish weather
But I still have fond memories of the late Henry (harry) pfaff
Probably the most compassionate vet i ever met
The money was pretty irrelevant to the guy
Had a great sense of humour too
We got lucky with our vet. Still family owned.
They were that good when TJ took ill about 6 years ago she took him home for the evening to personally keep an eye on him. A lot of older folk have used them for many years. There was always really good, based in Rutherglen.
A lot of vets are just corporate and don't seem to care as much, just doing a job.
Yeah the weather sucks up here. I lived in Kent for 15 years and was definitely way better weather down there.
Words from a random stranger still help mate
So thank you
His names kodi
It's an acronym
My other half said let's get another cat
And i said
Kind Of Dumb Idea
Shortened to K.O.D.I.
I love it, wonderful name. I raised a glass to Kodi tonight. It's really affected me, can't imagine what it means for you. And if there's a positive, it's made me determined to try and get two of our five as fit as possible. They're brother and sister and lovely, but worryingly huge despite dieting. We really need to try and help them lose some weight.
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Thanks for all the kind words guys
Does mean a lot to me
One last photo of him in his favourite place
Denying me use of the pc lol

Local crematorium are wonderful
Didn't want us to be without him over the weekend
He's been individually cremated
And he's already back with us

Kodi spent the last 4 years on insulin
It's definitely a great idea to get them in shape
For their health for one thing
Not to mention the cost of insulin, needles ,vet costs etc
We tried loads of cat toys
Found one in the end they absolutely loved
They would chase it around for hours
Managed to break a few of them over the years lol
Being cats a bit of string works too
But the toys mean the can exercise even if you're not present

Thanks for all the kind words guys
Does mean a lot to me
One last photo of him in his favourite place
Denying me use of the pc lol

Local crematorium are wonderful
Didn't want us to be without him over the weekend
He's been individually cremated
And he's already back with us

Kodi spent the last 4 years on insulin
It's definitely a great idea to get them in shape
For their health for one thing
Not to mention the cost of insulin, needles ,vet costs etc
We tried loads of cat toys
Found one in the end they absolutely loved
They would chase it around for hours
Managed to break a few of them over the years lol
Being cats a bit of string works too
But the toys mean the can exercise even if you're not present

Again sorry for your loss man.

Glad you have Kodi back with you already. He certainly looked happy and well loved.
All kodis unopened insulin, needles,new sharps boxes , vetpen etc
Just been collected for a wonderful couple
Who currently have their house occupied by about 20 cats
Most of whom were rescued from one place
And living in conditions I won't even describe
That would have made kodi happy there going to a great cause
Makes me happy too
My condolences @Mcnumpty2323 RIP Kodi

I know how hard that decision was, as I too had 2 diabetic cats that we eventually had to make that decision for :(
Yeah he lasted 4 years on insulin
A combination of things I guess
Diabetes,old age and the possibility of a GIST in there
Still wasn't an easy decision
Would look at at him
And think yeah you're old,tired and about ready
Then next minute would be a flash of the cat he was
And he would trot into the kitchen and somehow jump up
Onto the high stool so I could inject him
And I would start second guessing myself that maybe I was
Being premature
But I could see it in the vets eyes and demeanour
And they have way more experience than I do
Yeah he lasted 4 years on insulin
A combination of things I guess
Diabetes,old age and the possibility of a GIST in there
Still wasn't an easy decision
Would look at at him
And think yeah you're old,tired and about ready
Then next minute would be a flash of the cat he was
And he would trot into the kitchen and somehow jump up
Onto the high stool so I could inject him
And I would start second guessing myself that maybe I was
Being premature
But I could see it in the vets eyes and demeanour
And they have way more experience than I do

Ah yes I remember the twice daily injections of insulin!

We had brother and sister, both diabetic in the end. The boy (Ozzie) was as good as gold with his injections, his sister (Meg) was a little jumpier, but she got better as time went on.

The fact that the decision was so hard just proves how much they mean to us.
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