Show us your kitty cats

So the inevitable day has come, Casey is being put to sleep today at 3pm after giving us all of her love and some terror over the past 13 years.

Upset isn't a word which covers this, she will be badly missed and i suspect both dogs will be searching for her in the coming weeks.

I won't however miss her trying to murder me on the stairs most days.


The household is very sad already, dreading 3pm :( xxx
So sorry for your loss, RIP beautiful lady.
Damn fireworks.
One of mine was caught out tonight when a neighbour decided to unleash fifteen minutes of earth shattering hell. My cat hasn't come back. Now I am worried stupid that he bolted and can't find his way back.
People letting off fireworks don't realise the harm they can cause.
The main problem I have with this neighbour is the ferocity of the fireworks he uses. They literally shake my house from a hundred yards away. Fireworks that big should not be allowed. And while on the subject, why do ALL fireworks explode these days? They didn't used to.
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Personally, I think fireworks should be banned for home use. If not that, then at least ban explosive types for home use. Not that many years ago and they mostly were non-explosive anyway.

Jeremy just wandered in looking traumatised and is hiding in the bathroom now. (Why the bathroom?). At least I can go to bed now, even if he can't.
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It’s odd.
Our childhood cat was not keen but would be cosied up anyway in the evening. Not that fussed in her older years.
One mate’s dog would get under the furniture trembling whilst another mate’s dog had to be kept on a lead as it chased after the rockets barking without fear.
My old boy used to sit at the open window
Fireworks, thunder and lightning didn't bother him
In the slightest
The remaining young boys very skittish
But he would sit and watch too because the old boy
Was so laid back about them i guess

But yeah it's ridiculous around here
They will be letting them off all month
Not just on the 5th
I expect there'll be a fireworks-related petition we can sign on the gov petitions site before long.

The government won't touch it. There aren't enough people physically injured for them to be bothered and they won't touch anything that causes division because it loses them votes.

I will have to remember tonight to lock the cat flap at 4pm.
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I expect there'll be a fireworks-related petition we can sign on the gov petitions site before long.

Our cat sits out watching the fireworks for the 9 weeks they are on every year.
We put it down to the fact that we've also spent time out there, enjoying it and showing now sighs of fear or fright to her.

My Nan on the other hand would show the fear to the dogs and cat and every year they were jelly wobbles under blankets.
Gave my boy his tea at 5pm and let him outside, usually comes back in 10min or so just wanting a wee or something. Fireworks started 5min later and have been going non stop for almost 3 hours now.

Obviously he's not back as he will be ****** terrified hiding somewhere. It's the 2nd November why the hell are people setting off fireworks? Specially the big loud ones. Makes my blood boil havnt been able to settle at all and I'm constantly checking my back door for him and shouting.

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Depends where you live obviously
But definitely nothing to do with diwali here
none of my neighbours are Hindus
But they're letting them off tonight
Then there's a huge display tonight at a local event place
Then the council will have their own large display
Then you have the local idiots on top
Who think it's fun to shoot rockets down the street
It's not bothering my remaining cat
But local Facebook groups full of upset pet owners
Including people with horses and people setting off fireworks
Next to the horses fields even after being asked not too
When we lived in London my cats use to be petrified, we moved down south coast and people seem to be more decent when it comes to fireworks.
When we lived in London my cats use to be petrified, we moved down south coast and people seem to be more decent when it comes to fireworks.
I am on the south coast lol
Well south east coast i guess
Local Facebook group is also full of trolls
Deliberately winding up upset pet owners as they know
It's always an easy target
I am on the south coast lol
Well south east coast i guess
Local Facebook group is also full of trolls
Deliberately winding up upset pet owners as they know
It's always an easy target
I'm in Selsey, moved couple of months ago and it's been heaven. Street we live be in is all full of over 50s, been heaven compare to London lol.
I got no time for people that don't respect pet owners.
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