few more, will start a proper thread when ive taken pictures of it clean! Tis filthy atm, coming from a silver car this is a big adjustment it was only washed on Thursday!
Had it washed today and took some quick photos on the way home:
You were expecting something to?
It was pretty obvious right from the start.
Polish your tailpipes!
You're obviously very good with photography, but that black interior doesn't look nearly as bad as i thought it did.
Ditto, I told myself I'd not get another black interior but it is actually a really nice place to be
Haha that gurgle makes me smile on the way to work in the mornings!Gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle
Such a good car name to say out loud!STAAAAAAAAAAAGGG!!!!!!!!! haha lol
Blimey, what a blast from the past. How old is that?
Agreed! Too many people discount black as boring and colourless but even my ancient e46 is a fine and relaxing place to sit in, being all black and everything. I just don't like the light coloured interiors you get on a lot of cars, the white/beige roof lining etc is just too standy outy!
Luckily for you most cars seem to have black interiors! I used to think they were a bit boring, but i think this is because they come off very well in photos, but Tom's (and your) photos make it look not bad at all.