Show What You're Working On

Drawing I'm working on (very early stages):
Second iteration. Coming along nicely I think. Might need to loosen it up a little but I quite like its solidity. Really like the middle groups font as well, I think its beautiful!

Hi guys once again,
I have added a bit more to the website...

I think the "Shops" page is a little long and i am thinking to put two shops side by side down the page?

Would anyone be able to help me do this so i can see what it looks like and ultimately give the shopkeepers the chance to choose which they like better.
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I like it. While it doesn't exactly jump out of the page, it looks professional but also looks like a natural colour.

My only other thought is that the logo is fairly similar to brands like Montane, but then what can you do.
I think it's smart too. There is one thing niggling me though, on your logo. The path coming towards us has a nice inside curve, but the outside curve looks kinked. You've probably amended the angle a thousand times on it, in which case ignore, but otherwise that's the thing that stands out.
There's actually another issue (or not) with that logo, which is that using the negative version on the white compliment slip means that the white outer ring effectively disappears as it has no outer border.
I think it's smart too. There is one thing niggling me though, on your logo. The path coming towards us has a nice inside curve, but the outside curve looks kinked. You've probably amended the angle a thousand times on it, in which case ignore, but otherwise that's the thing that stands out.

What has been seen cannot be unseen!

I'll have to have amend that a little to try and get it looking more natural, thanks for pointing that out :)

There's actually another issue (or not) with that logo, which is that using the negative version on the white compliment slip means that the white outer ring effectively disappears as it has no outer border.

Yes I agree looking at it. There are so many variations I've been through that its a struggle to choose sometimes, but that's what the client is for :)

Thank you for your opinions/suggestions though :D

Regarding the Montane similarities, I had never seen that logo to begin with and the mountains were to reflect the Lake District, given the location of the centre. As you said it can't be helped, but it may yet be tweaked to make it more unique. We shall see what direction it goes in the coming weeks :)
Should your contact form have a captcha image though? otherwise bots could spam you quite easily I would imagine?

Oh dear not add captcha. I hate captchas with a passion.

Unless his website is doing ridiculously well and he is getting spammed like crazy, I would hold off on the captcha.
Thanks for all the nice comments!

@sunama haha yeah captcha's are evil, I may add an 'Are you human' type input on at some stage, but currently it won't be an issue.

@gord the header is bigger because I like plenty of whitespace between elements! I did think about making it more compact but I like it this way :)
Thanks for all the nice comments!

@sunama haha yeah captcha's are evil, I may add an 'Are you human' type input on at some stage, but currently it won't be an issue.

@gord the header is bigger because I like plenty of whitespace between elements! I did think about making it more compact but I like it this way :)

That's an awesome looking site there KrooKed, I totally agree with the amount white space you have used. The type of person looking at a designer/front end dev website is unlikely to be viewing on a tiny screen unlike other sites so agree it was right to make use of the space.

If I was to offer any criticism's it would be that 1. The main nav buttons look a little pixelated (FF 6) and maybe you could have used CSS 3 for them.

2. The icons for each section (awesome icons btw) are styled the same as buttons such as the submit button on your contact form. Maybe make them clickable and scroll to their respective content block seeing as the main nav stays up top?

But really nice looking site mate:)

I will be re-designing my site soon, also want to get media queries involved.
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