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I've been working on my units' website, I still can't decide on colours yet but here it is:


Next on my ToDo list:

- Re-shape navigation.
- Fix up general positioning.
- Clean up CSS & HTML
- Add colours.
- Sidebar & footer content.
- Social buttons for Twitter and YouTube.
- A lot, lot more.

Feedback appreciated.

Edit: This thread needs to be stickied.
Edit #2: Forgot to mention, need to test other browsers as I've been working with FireFox 8.0.

I've updated the website now.


- Re-shape navigation
- Fix up general positioning
- Clean up CSS & HTML

I still need to finalise the sidebar and main content positioning, but overall I've not got much else left to do design wise. Apart from the social bar and colours.

Suggestions, ideas and constructive criticism appreciated!

- M
Suggestions, ideas and constructive criticism appreciated!

- M

I would align the whole lot left, looks a lot more professional or put a border round the lower content so it all flows together, the button text is too large, and in general the text is too large, large text just looks like your lacking content so use size to pad it.

Just my 2p

I would also do a mouseover background colour change on the menu, and maybe a blended in image to the top blue bar.

Appart from that its nice.
I've updated the website now.


- Re-shape navigation
- Fix up general positioning
- Clean up CSS & HTML

I still need to finalise the sidebar and main content positioning, but overall I've not got much else left to do design wise. Apart from the social bar and colours.

Suggestions, ideas and constructive criticism appreciated!

- M

Is there supposed to be a gap between the 'Contact' and 'Control Panel' tabs?
I would align the whole lot left, looks a lot more professional or put a border round the lower content so it all flows together, the button text is too large, and in general the text is too large, large text just looks like your lacking content so use size to pad it.

Just my 2p

I would also do a mouseover background colour change on the menu, and maybe a blended in image to the top blue bar.

Appart from that its nice.

Hi Mattius, thank you for the feedback.

Firstly I must say that I've never really been too keen on aligning websites to the left, especially since this website is aimed at gamers with very high resolution. I think it'd be a little bit of a pain looking over at one half on the monitor to read the content.

I'm going to experiment with putting a border to the right of the main content to break it up, I was thinking about a three pixel border identical to the sidebar's. I also need to style the text and preview cross-browser, thank you for pointing this out.

I've also since changed the heading colour and added those mouse-over effects, what do you think of the current navigation colours? I was thinking about changing the navigation once more, so that when you hover over them they'd change to a blue text colour instead of a blue background colour. Then when you hover over the sub-menu links the top of the menu would change to a blue background colour. I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying, if not then I'll go ahead and make the changes to show you.

Is there supposed to be a gap between the 'Contact' and 'Control Panel' tabs?

Hi Tingle, thank you for the comment. It took me a while to decide on splitting the navigation up, but I thought it'd be effective in the sense that it's breaking the public navigation up from the private control panel.

The public navigation (which is floated left, inside the main navigation container) has a twenty pixel right margin that pushes the private menu (which is floated right, in the same container div) to the right, obviously.

What opinion do you hold on this setting?

Thank you.

I must add that this website was designed in (1920 x 1080) and for a high resolution configuration. It is best viewed in a modern browser that supports Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3).
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What do you guys use to get such good smooth flowing websites?
Im currently doing a website in Dreamweaver for my COmputing HND, but all im really good at is using tables for it lmao.

Any tips and tricks etc?
Great thanks, I could just code that driectly into my external CSS file for DW5.5 then? Annoyingly I have to have 2 external style sheets that can be switched (just in the file names) to change the layout of the website.
Hi Tingle, thank you for the comment. It took me a while to decide on splitting the navigation up, but I thought it'd be effective in the sense that it's breaking the public navigation up from the private control panel.

The public navigation (which is floated left, inside the main navigation container) has a twenty pixel right margin that pushes the private menu (which is floated right, in the same container div) to the right, obviously.

What opinion do you hold on this setting?

Thank you.

I must add that this website was designed in (1920 x 1080) and for a high resolution configuration. It is best viewed in a modern browser that supports Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3).

If I'm brutally honest, I think it looks slightly silly to have the gap there; perhaps it'd look better if something filled that gap? But that's just my opinion :) Good work, nonetheless.
Hi Mattius, thank you for the feedback.

Firstly I must say that I've never really been too keen on aligning websites to the left, especially since this website is aimed at gamers with very high resolution. I think it'd be a little bit of a pain looking over at one half on the monitor to read the content.

I'm going to experiment with putting a border to the right of the main content to break it up, I was thinking about a three pixel border identical to the sidebar's. I also need to style the text and preview cross-browser, thank you for pointing this out.

You need to do something, at the moment the top menu looks like its positioned itself wrongly, you need to connect the two parts together
You need to do something, at the moment the top menu looks like its positioned itself wrongly, you need to connect the two parts together

Which browser are you using? This is how it's meant to look:


I think it breaks the header up nicely, basically two different navigation bars (public & private).
I've updated the website now.


- Re-shape navigation
- Fix up general positioning
- Clean up CSS & HTML

I still need to finalise the sidebar and main content positioning, but overall I've not got much else left to do design wise. Apart from the social bar and colours.

Suggestions, ideas and constructive criticism appreciated!

- M

Your drop down menu is 1px off to the right. At least, it is for me. My res is 1920x1080 and browser is Google Chrome.

Here is an image: LINK

It also happens on the 'About' tab. :)


EDIT: Oh and I'm working on a website for Play-by-Post role playing ... I have the back end done, just need to work on the theme, which isn't my strong point.

A link to the site:
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What are you not following? the picture explains all.

put a border round the lower content so it links it up with the top content

p.s. colour doesnt work in chrome on the top content
What are you not following? the picture explains all.

put a border round the lower content so it links it up with the top content

p.s. colour doesnt work in chrome on the top content

Hi Mattius, I still don't follow but would really like to understand. All I see on the image you linked is a border(?) underlining the main navigation text.

I bet I'm thinking too deep into what you're trying to get across. Does anybody else understand?

I have this website here i am making for a local parade of shops...

Now at the moment you have to do a lot of scrolling down to see all the shops, what alternative way should i set it out?

I think...

Pic Pic
Info Info

All the way down the page?

Can someone help me do this either in HTML or Dreamweaver because i have tried and it didn't work properly?
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