Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Alpha Centauri sequel announced!

Cheapest place for bnw? I've just started playing again, stumbled across this thread so now want bnw and alpha :D
Yes that's a bit odd, the release date is just around the corner. I smell a Civ5 style release consisting of a neutered game with raving critic reviews.
Oh, update on me playing this. I put in about 5 hours just on the training game. Got to end game and was winning then noted you couldn't save lol.

Started a new game. But question, I love playing aggressively. Building up an army and just dominating the other civ's/towns. It's obviously not the best way to play. But how do I cope with barbarians if I don't wish to play aggressively?

Secondly, I normally go off what my advisors suggest when researching/building. Are they right all the time as some times their choices seem stupid. Like suggesting I build tonnes of sea crafts when I can't do anything due to being cut off so the ships would sit in an unoccupied ocean...


At higher difficulties aggression is mandatory if you want to win, although it doesn't have to be direct (using the military) as it can also be religious, cultural or diplomatic. The barbarians can be easily handled by just two military units, one of them preferably ranged. They don't attack cities, the worst damage they can do is to steal workers and pillage improvements so just focus on protecting them.

Don't go with the suggestions of the advisors, they're often random/stupid. Set medium term goals for yourself (25-50 turns) and make sure each city contributes. If a city is too small, then grow asap. and have it contribute to your goals later on. If you want to reach a certain technology fast, get those libraries/universities up, earn Great Scientist points. If you want to invade your neighbour, start building ranged/siege units (ranged units win wars, seige units take down cities, melees should normally be used to defend the latter and to march into defenseless cities).
Civilization Series as a whole includes some of the best games I've seen in my life. I remember playing Alpha Centauri years into the release of Civ III, which I think started to ruin the whole concept that was built on, not being able to by-pass enemy units. I believe that was a core element of the civilization gameplay that should have stayed. I did love Civ II because of the better graphic and diversity of resources etc. but Civ II - Alpha Centauri was the peak for me.
The old Alpha Centauri is still a very playable game. Just that the graphics are looking a bit dated now. Still have it installed for when I get a free weekend.
Any good deals going for this game at the moment?

£22.99 on CD keys (cant post link in work) is the cheapest I have seen.

In saying that, I usually buy xboxlive/psn codes from cdkeys as it works out cheaper, never had a problem but I am a bit anxious of using them for a game linked to my steam account. Heard too many scare stories of steam ban hammers coming down on people. Anyone bought steamworks games from cdkeys? Any issues atall?
GMG currently have a 25% voucher which would make it £22.50, though I'm not totally sure if it can be used with this particular game as they always say 'excludes certain titles' but never mention which. But you could give it a try, I picked it up with one of their 25% codes several weeks back.

Code is P65PW6-F9B91D-TW2AG2

This is for 24 hours only (valid until 1600UTC Tuesday 14 October, 2014)
£22.99 on CD keys (cant post link in work) is the cheapest I have seen.

In saying that, I usually buy xboxlive/psn codes from cdkeys as it works out cheaper, never had a problem but I am a bit anxious of using them for a game linked to my steam account. Heard too many scare stories of steam ban hammers coming down on people. Anyone bought steamworks games from cdkeys? Any issues atall?

Been buying games from cdkeys since they started have had no problems
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