SimCity V (2013) - screens/artwork and information

I'm hoping for some decent changes aswell ;D
I will be opening a new region later today, quite a big one. Please reply with usernames so I can add you in advance.
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games still boring.
You can solve traffic issues by using the 2 lane roads instead of avenues because the 2 lane roads handle traffic much better and even with 131k pop I have no cars queuing to get into my city.
The games pointless though money comes far to easy , you don't really need to do much to keep your city happy enough and there's just nothing to do apart from watch your bank balance go up.

The only real challenge is to try and fit everything into a tiny space
The amusement park DLC made me chuckle, but only after I'd declared "WTF? How's it going to fit in the plot!?"

I have no problems with them trying to flog DLC, but c'mon EA/Maxis. Let's have a game functioning the way you advertised it in the first place. It's comical. :D
Im sure if they put more of their efforts into fixing the game, instead of designing and flogging DLC they would re-gain some respect from those that purchased this game thinking it was free from error and issues.
Why do I play this silly game? I suppose it's the same trying to design 'something nice' thing that I used to love doing in earlier versions of The Sims.

Now my model city is falling foul of the utter refusal of any body wanting to the use the left hand region exit. Loads come in that way, but everyone turns right heading off to my other cities, resulting in traffic jams, which I thought were dreadful, until...

Recently I got my stadium built and running for the first time ever. Everything was set up beautifully and a 15000 full house was no problems at all. Thousands came in by my well placed train stations, all was cool and everyone stayed overnight in my dozens of hotels :rolleyes:, but then 6am happened. You can now probably walk from one end of the town to the other on yellow cab roofs! :eek: No one wants to take the trains they came in on and everyone turns right to leave the city. The chaos this causes to my public services might kill the city.

I think the Maxis devs got so lazy churning out The Sims for so many years that when they had to make something a touch more complicated, they didn't know how. I wonder if the 'can it' option was ever considered?
Im sure if they put more of their efforts into fixing the game, instead of designing and flogging DLC they would re-gain some respect from those that purchased this game thinking it was free from error and issues.

The problem is they were probably contracted to produce a certain amount of DLC by EA and are only able to devote a certain amount of resource to post game support since that's seen as a waste of money by the those who pull the purse strings. Obviously they're looking purely at the month/quarter bottom line when these decisions are made, as they can't see that no one is going to buy their stupid DLC if the core game is broken.
My view of Maxis as developer has lowered after this :(
they should stick to facebook games.
all this time since release and the game is still a joke
It must be the easiest sim city ever as well ive had 100k pop + all services and transport maxed out and still made 10k a day not counting manufacturing or resource sales....
Casino + 3 tourist attractions and they tend to make atleast 10k a day each if you have a decent pop.

does anyone find this game a challenge? and because of how the game is most cities end up looking almost identical and since 4.0 if houses don;t have close shopping they don't get happiness which means your now forced to put loads of commercial down even if you wanted to be an industry town or university town etc.
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