Sorry but a very small drop in download and a 300kb increase in upload makes the Sky Router 'crap'?
Yes the Sky Hubs are crap and they have the cheek to ask £69 + P&P for it.
For £69 you can get the Billion 8800nl delivered and it beats the Hub hands down.
One or two are using them on this forum and they are well pleased with the out come.
Its feature less they even say it has four high-speed ethernet ports 10/100 a good router has 10/100/1000 for WAN and LAN thats fast.
Wireless speed 2.4GHz thats old hat, why not dual band 2.4GHz/5.0GHz and look how many people complain about poor wireless performance.
No feature's like QoS for one the list goes on.
Normaly with the Hub if l had to reboot it a few times because your having problems. Your Down/UPload speed drops down and it takes age's for the DLM to get you back upto speed.
Sky job is to make money hence a crap router at a high price probably costs about £20 to make as its so basic. If it fails you have to buy another + P&P.
I wonder how many on Sky Fibre would swap out the Hub if Sky allowed it quite a few l think.
My 7800n after setting it up came in at 6742 the Hub has never given me a speed increase after rebooting it. Even my download speeds were better and more constant speed plus not going up and down like a yoyo.