Sky Fibre Optic

12 month contract FTW!

tis good the 12 months. I'm on Fibre pro and got it for £20 a month so will call up at the end of 12 months and if they offer the same again will stay - if not, will go.
My cabinet went live on the 9th July, ordered 40/10 on the 10th.
I intend on switching to pro, but wanted to take advantage of the free activation.
Install date 17th July.

Pretty impressed with a 7 day install...assuming it happens.

Why don't these ISPs let you purchase the next tier package but if you can't get top whack, just charge a proportionate amount?

For example, my line is maxed out at 40/10 but I can't get 80/20 according to the BT checker presumably due to distance. I have been investigating and it does seem this is the case as other people on the same cabinet can get 80/20. I still haven't found the damn thing even though I'm finding addresses/phone numbers closer to it. Anyhow...

So say I could get 60/15. Why not just charge me a fiver more instead of the tenner/month for 80/20?
Does anyone know if Sky have the option to set my DLM profile to the speedy profile?

Sky have confirmed that my line has barely any errors on it, so I know its stable, so I would like the DLM not to be so sensitive when I make changes to my set up.

I tried speaking to the Live Chat but they are saying they have no way of way of changing it at all?

Does this sound right?
Interesting. Round at my sis's and she is with TalkTalk Fibre 80/20. She is only connected at 56/20 though which makes me wonder if she's got a bad connection or something. Wonder what Openreach's threshold is for offering the 80/20 product? I don't know what her original offer letter said as to her speed estimates.

EDIT: Seems 56 Mb is the top speed she was offered.
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