Sky Fibre Optic

I don't believe it requires an engineer visit, but I'm not 100% sure.

As for customer services, they seem pretty decent. I haven't had need of their tech support but what I will say is that they probably need more staff, they are usually pretty busy.

The only line I can get through quickly is sales...which is pretty typical of most companies tbh.
If you've already got fibre it's not going to require an engineer visit.

I don't know Sky's system, but surely they can just change the product instantly on their side, and then it's just a case of placing an order to BT to change the profile speed which should be next working day.

13 days seems crazy.
Sky Fibre Pro use the Bulgarians, apparently they're terrible.

actually, they're very good - i've had speed problems with sky fibre pro since my fibre was setup about a month ago.

Been in touch with tech support (the Bulgarians (lol :D), not the regular sky call centre you get when you first call up about something) numerous times, had 3 engineers sent out, had several callbacks from Sky to monitor how my speed is etc.... - next one scheduled for Tuesday. Point is, as far as the Bulgarians are concerned i've found them nothing but helpful; when it comes to engineers the visit has been sorted out for the next day or so.

Long story short, when my fibre's working properly i should be getting almost a perfect 80/20. Coincidentally, had that from tuesday afternoon, when it looked as if openreach had finally sorted out the fibre problem at my cabinet (problem identified & confirmed), until this morning, but dl speed has once again dropped to about 64 (upload still at 20 for now). No idea if the problem has reoccured because i've noticed on the router stats that the downstream noise margin has increased from 8.5 to 12, so that could be the cause of the speed drop - a temporary drop, i hope, caused by openreach messing around/testing profiles.

Anyway, my main point is that Sky tech support (or the Bulgarians - i'm familiar with them because i think they used to handle tech support for Be) are fine/get things sorted out quicky, if you're unlucky enough to have a tech problem & need to use them - the problem in my case has been openreach not sorting out the problem quickly enough after it's been identified :rolleyes:

on a more positive note, 100 posts for me &, i guess, free delivery :p
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There we go. I thought 13 days seems weird.
It actually got activated on the next working day.
Ordered Friday, activated about 4am Monday morning.

I just ordered this (38mb unlimited) and I have a few questions if you guys don't mind

I have a phone line running up to the room where I keep my current router, will I still be able to use that or will they need to install a new one?

Also is the router provided any good or is it worth ugprading? I've been looking around and have no idea what to go for.
VDSL uses the same phone line you use currently.

It will need to be installed at your master socket which if you want the engineer technically can move if you ask nicely.

No idea on the router as I don't use Sky so somebody else will be along to help I'm sure :)
It will need to be installed at your master socket which if you want the engineer technically can move if you ask nicely.

Thanks mate, the adsl line my router is connected to dissapears into the floor, have no idea where it's connected to. Do you think the engineer should be able to figure out?
He'll just follow the cable coming into the house I would think. He's trained to do this sort-of thing so yes there should be no issue there.

Pray you get an OR engineer as I hear the contractors are awful.

BTW, be glad you're getting an engineer as TalkTalk refused to send one for my installation.
If your line is active at the moment then you WON'T get an engineer visit to your house, just to the cabinet. I use the Sky Hub SR102 because I'm on the new firmware trial so can't really change it but I find it fine for my needs. Three bedroom house, normal size and it reaches to every room although to get full fibre speeds I have to use wired or the 5GHz bridges I use for my Desktop.
The line is active at the moment, I'm still on normal Sky broadband just upgraded to their Fiber package- makes sense that they wouldn't send someone I guess.

I just hope I get the full 38mb speed. At the moment I'm getting 6mbs on speedtest which is nowhere near the 12mbs advertised speed of the package. I'm hoping it's nothing to do with the random phone line I'm using.
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The Sky Hubs fine if its cable connected (which is how i use it), the Wifi is supposed to be poor.

I get the full 38Mb down, and about 7Mb up, had it since day 1 of being switched to it, which was nigh on a year ago now. :)

Definitely worth doing, i was only on 6.5Mb before, which was fine for me, so i wasn't bothered about the Fibre, but i found i could get it for about an extra fiver a month, so i decided to go for it, and so glad i did, or i wouldn't have known just how much better it is, could never go back now :D
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The Wi-Fi is only 3.4GHz but it is N rated. The only thing is if you connect a 'G' device it will force the router to perform at G speeds and likely stay there even if you disconnect the G device until you reboot or reset the Router.

This is my speedtest done over a set of 5Ghz Wireless bridges I have, on the 40/10 package (I get 39998/9998 Trained in according to the Router):

Wireless was poor for me from the SR102 - however I did get 70/20 with the sky hub.

Changed to my own router (TD-W9980), wireless is way better coverage but only get 60/15 from it for some reason. I prefer the wireless coverage much more than the slightly higher speeds.
Got a problem with my broadband at the moment. I've raised a call with Sky. Tried all the usual off and on, using cable rather than wifi etc.

The problem seems to be to do with the connection type switching constantly. I'm getting disconnected from the internet and reconnect every couple of mins. Steam keeps going offline and then back online etc.

Sat with the connection status window in the router open and I can see my connection tripping between 40Mbps (MER connection type) and 16Mbps (PPPoA connection type). It just keeps alternating between the two.

Has anyone seen this issue before?
following on from this: another engineer needed to be sent out because my speeds had dropped from 80/20 to:

he checked the master socket & ran a few tests, no problems, and within a few minutes it was back to what it should be:

i'll be happy if it stays like that (hasn't lasted for more than a few days before) but i'm also a little confused. I asked him what he did & he said he just 'reset the snr'. I asked him if i could ask sky to do that remotely & he said yes, which begs the question why it wasn't tried before. I've got no idea what caused the latest speed drop. He asked if maybe sky had capped my speed? - don't see how because i don't think sky cap speeds or do they? :confused:
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