*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

I'm on a rolling monthly contract with Sky at the moment with a half-price Family package (£17/month) and I'm paying BT for phone and Fibre.

I've almost cancelled Sky before - hence the half price package - but my offer's almost up and I don't really fancy going back to £34/month.

I barely watch TV these days (when I do it's Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc), my wife watches "her crap" on TCL and my daughter loves the Disney Channel.

I've considered Now TV but we wouldn't be able to record & we can't get Virgin so the only other option seems to be BT.

We currently watch Sky on our bedroom TV (not multiroom, just via co-ax) and I'm not sure if the BT option supports this so I'm thinking we're going to have to compromise somewhere.

What would be the best option to go for? :confused:
Was thinking this morning how crap Sky Sports is becoming and also thinking on the huge Sky bid for the Premiership. Then I look on the EPG, Live Manchester United v Chelsea. BT Sport.

Middlesbrough v Sheffield Wednesday shown both Live on 402 and 406.

Rangers v Hibernian BT Sport.

Arsenal v Bournemouth, not on TV.

There is less and less big teams on Sky nowadays and more days more than once the same game on 402 is on 405 or 406.
Remember Sky's new deal starts NEXT season.

Also don't blame Sky, blame the EU who said it was anti-competitive for all the football to be from one provider, conveniently glossing over the fact that some people would like to watch it all and that doing so becomes more expensive!
Well, why is two premiership teams on BT Sport and not Sky if Sky won/overbid the Premiership rights...
Well, why is two premiership teams on BT Sport and not Sky if Sky won/overbid the Premiership rights...

Because while they have 'first pick' that doesn't mean that BT don't get some days when they may have more matches. Only a couple of weekends ago they had three matches on Super Sunday!
Just cancelled! Was trying to do it on live chat, but that's useless, so phoned them up. After ten minutes on hold got through to someone who cancelled it within five minutes! Quite refreshing after hearing all the horror stories.Had Sky for sixteen years, must have spent an absolute fortune...

Logged in to My Sky 2 minutes later to see a 50% discount lol.
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A[L]C;28832545 said:
I'm out of contract but not sure to do with these new services coming along. Do you think I should call and get a discount, or worth waiting and see if I can get a deal with the new boxes?

Still not sure what to do. I guess they wont offer a deal on the new service seeing as it will be a premium service?
Hard to say - at least it is worth a try. Always wait and be in the complaining situation, so that maybe they have to hand in - lets see what comes out of that so far.
Do Sky ever match competitor offers?

I'm quite prepared to leave them after 11 years (bill for basic TV, unlimited 8Mb broadband and phone has just gone up to £50pm) as I've just seen TalkTalk are offering a YouView TV box, better phone package, and unlimited fibre for £22.70pm. We don't watch any premium channels and won't lose any sleep losing Sky channels either.

Even a 50% discount won't tempt me to stay unless they include fibre free.

The biggest problem is we can't get Virgin so that's out, plus I'd rather not go back to BT after it took a year to get money owed to me refunded.
I'd love a good deal from Sky, but if 50% off doesn't even match a competitor what motivation is there for me to stay with them?

It's the same principle with insurance companies when they send out renewal quotes that are way more expensive than deals found on price comparison sites.
It does feel that sometimes (to me at least) people just get carried away with wanting a bargain, and ignore a good deal...

Sky's pricing is a bit like DFS or Dominos Pizza. 50% is actually the "correct" price and anything better is a good deal.

I'm on £100 upfront account credit plus 60% off for example....
I originally got 60% off + 100
Now says 50% off
I spoke via web chat as I was thinking of rejoining and adding fibre..,
They said best is 50% which I turned down

Was gonna give more business - oh well
cancelled my sky last weekend after 7 odd years with them. I told them I'm moving somewhere where I wont have a say if a dish goes up or not, they have called me 3 times this week offering deals, 50% off etc, 1 month rolling contract with 20% off, a new box.

Everytime I tell them I am only leaving because I physically cannot have a dish installed, you'd think they'd make a note of it and not waste their own time as well as mine with the marketing calls.
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