*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

I phoned up 3 days after my bill date for cancellation (bit annoyed that Feb was a 29 day month so my notice period was ~5 days after my bill date, but I was already late calling) and my final bill is pro-rata for the 5 days then my service will be disconnected after that. You could call up earlier and give a longer notice period.
Apologies if this has been answered before. My Sky contract expires on 14 April and I believe I have to give 31 days notice. Do I need to phone up bang on the 31 days in order to avoid an entire month's extra bill, or do they start charging you on a daily basis if I cancel say 31 days before the 20th of April?

Work out 31 days before the 14th and you can call and put your notice in then if you wish.
Hey folks,

I cancelled last week after realising the stuff I watch is either dire, or available on normal channels anyway. They offered me some things like a new box as mine is old and slow (freezes a lot), and some discounts, but I stuck to my guns.

Now, they've told me that after it turns off I can still use the box as a freeview box. Obviously the recording function will be disabled, so, whats the best option for recording now?

My new tv can be used, but after connecting the sky aerial(?) into it, the guide it uses is terrible and slow. Looking at boxes, theres a few around with recording functions built in, but will these work out of the box if I just use the same, erm, aerial leads (they arent aerials but whatever the two leads are that go into the back of the sky box ;) and use them in the new boxes? Or will these no longer have a signal after the 31 day cancellation period?

Turns out I've got quite used to recording after 10 years of sky : )

..but not enough to want to pay £30 for it anymore : p

cmsbfent said:
text and stuff
The coax leads (the two leads are that go into the back of the sky box) will still receive signal from the sky dish.

What I would do, or one possible solution, is to run a Freesat Humax box off the Sky dish cables (Freesat work straight off the sky dish, no dish tuning required). You'll then have two feeds enabling you to watch one and record another programme :)
Haha, text and stuff. I was babbling a bit :p

Thanks. So freesat is completely subscription free? Literally just plug and go? Sounds like what I need really. Storage and feature wise, do I need to spend bigger bucks to get similar functionality to the sky box I have now or will one of the ~£100 jobbies do?
Looks like it's time I finally get round to phoning sky to do something about my contract. After years of sterling service my old old white pace box seems to have finally given up the ghost. Don't get a signal lock on input 2. Question is is this likely to be a box fault (I've tried a reset and unplugging power to no avail) or a cable fault? Just curious so I can book an engineer call out if needed when I phone.

I've just come back to sky after being offered a good(ish) deal. They didn't offer me a new SkyHD+ box, said my old one would need to suffice. Probably die on me tomorrow :(

When I left I cancelled everything, TV/Fibre/Phone the lot, they screwed up a bit and ended up crediting my account for some overpayments, which I promptly forgot about. So when I logged back into my account to check they had put me on the correct package, I noted I had some credit on the account, but also noticed they had been whittling that credit down by billing me £10 a month for a Sky+ subscription service.

Gonna call them in the morning and get that sorted. But all in all glad to back on Sky after a flutter with TalkTalk who's TV service was passable but the family just couldn't get on with it.
Just spoke to Sky, had a cancellation request in and and they offered me Family with HD and Sports, Fibre unlimited (38Mb) and line rental for £59 all in. Thought that was pretty good so looks like i'll be sticking with them for another year. I was going to jump ship to Kodi, but that's almost £50 off a month from what my subscription should be, which is much more reasonable.

That and trying to move my broadband to BT took me 4 hours on Thursday, so yeah, no chance I want to move to those jokers.
Got my money back for the Sky+ subscription they had been charging me since Sept last year, so effectively I've got Sky Family for a year for free :)

Just gotta see if they can give me a deal on a new Sky box now or get one cheap on the bay
1TB ones are quite cheap and 30 minutes work to put your own larger drive in them. Research which ones can take what sizes are they vary IIRC.
Think I may just upgrade the Sky+ HD box I have to a larger drive then wait for it to die completely.

It only seems to be problematic if the power is cut to it leaving it with the yellow light issue. Dunno if thats a system problem or the old hdd.
Yep its on the latest EPG, I have to do the hold-backup-button-while-powering-on when it gets stuck on the yellow-led-of-death.

Mines 5 years old and I refused to pay for the extended cover. Would it still be covered in the call out?

If I can get a second hand one thats 6 months to a year old with 1 or 2TB for around £50 or not much more than a new HDD then that would do the trick. :)
Have you tried a forced EPG update if it isn't on the latest version already?


Also, I believe the Sky fixed rate call-out is £80, which would include replacing your box with the latest equivalent if it's found to be faulty.

£65 is the normal price. Includes everything. Push and you should be able to get one for £30 for customers of more than three years.
£65 is the normal price. Includes everything. Push and you should be able to get one for £30 for customers of more than three years.

But if I call them out the next time it gets stuck on the yellow light, is there a chance they will charge me the call out fee and just reboot it using the backup button method? Or would the yellow light issue be cause for a replacement box?
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