*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

I know from using the sky site in the past that it takes an age to update anything. Looking forward to a £20 a month cost though......................probably about what it's really worth in all honesty. Had enough of helping keep the Murdock family in the manner to which they have become accustomed. I certainly wont have any hesitation just cancelling again when the 12 months is up.

I was considering doing this myself but need to check you still get the F1 channel. I'm also on the original HD pack with no sky sports.
I was considering doing this myself but need to check you still get the F1 channel. I'm also on the original HD pack with no sky sports.

Yes you do keep the F1. Your package stays the same, just at a reduced price. Wish i had done this ages ago, but was always afraid of loosing the F1 because i've got no interest in any sport other than F1 and Moto GP (which is only on sky as highlights as BT has that ).
The 50% is now showing on my Sky, down to £26.25 a month. Not bad for a few mins on chat and not accepting the rubbish offer made on chat :)
Cancel my contract today as not good enough discount to keep me only 25% and i am sure sky could do better so disappointed to be honest , thanks but no thanks .

Might buy a satellite open box :D i get get sky channels on that
Slightly odd one. On top of the cheque I received about a month ago for £64 (not cancelled any packages)this months bill has dropped from £64 a month for everything (not including hd) to a slightly more reasonable £44.00 a month. That was without me phoning or doing an online chat with them as well. Am I likely to be whacked for the difference next month or is something else going on?

I pay like £100 a month for Sky and then £50-60 a month for BT broadband. I could move the broadband to Sky but I wouldn't get the same speeds in my area so for the same money I see no point, and the hassle of switching.

Really think I need to do what's being said so frequently here and just cancel Sky to see if they'll give me 50% off for a year or something.
We are due to move into our new build around Aug/Sept time. We were already looking into dropping our Sky package down getting rid of movies and sport. Are we better cancelling it altogether before moving, and be treated like a new customer for a cheaper installation fee at the other end? Is there such a thing as a discounted, or free installation package? What would be the best course of action in this scenario?
Well it includes BT Sport HD, line rental & it's the top package they have. Think it's £63.30.

A run down of it is;

Line rental - £17.99
Broadband - £29.56
BT Sport pack + HD - £15.75

Just doubled checked and Sky is £104 a month.
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I cancelled Sky the other day as I have everything including multiroom,HD,BT sport etc and they rang me yesterday to give me a deal of £44 a month with the discounts so well worth it :)
So what happens when you cancel? Do you just ring up and say the price is ridiculous and you wanna cancel the subscription? Then I gather you've got a month left of useage till it's cut off so theyll try to entice you before it is?
Sweet, I'll give them a call then. I did get in contact with them recently to try and get my tv & broadband into one package but like I said in a previous post, it'd cost pretty much the same if not more & I'd probably not get the same speeds anyway so cba with that hassle when I'm getting good speeds as it is.
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