*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

Asked on their chat if they could discount our package currently at £62pcm and at first was offered 20%, I declined and said it's looking like we'll be going through to cancel, as it's just getting too much year and year. He then gave the whole 'spoke to the manager' routine and then offered 30%. I told him no thanks it's still too much, so said I'd like to cancel and for him to go ahead.

Just logged in now after cancelling and there's a 50% off for a year appeared. Will give it some thought, as I've got 30 days and a chance to read up on alternative services.
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Went through live chat today and got offered 20% off but nothing more so cancelled given that 50% off seems to be the standard discount if you do so.

Logged in to My Sky and the offer is already showing so have taken that as I'm more than happy with half price.

This was on TV Only, originally at £80pm
I'm with BT at present, get fibre, TV, bt sports in HD and premium channels in HD such discovery etc. Only paying £45 a month including line rental. I can add sky movies for an extra 10 pounds a month and this a rolling contract. Also had some one ring me offering sky sports in HD for 20 pounds a month :) glad I left sky so much cheaper
Have been with sky since they started, other than a brief spell with Ondigital, currently paying £133 p/m for everything (SkyQ silver). This thread has shown me sky don't care about loyal customers and therefore I will leave when my contract is up. Luckily I received an email from virgin and they will be in my area soon. I have seen their packages and they have a new 4K box (v6) coming as well. Will be the end of an era for me leaving sky but they are way too expensive. :(
Have been with sky since they started, other than a brief spell with Ondigital, currently paying £133 p/m for everything (SkyQ silver). This thread has shown me sky don't care about loyal customers and therefore I will leave when my contract is up. Luckily I received an email from virgin and they will be in my area soon. I have seen their packages and they have a new 4K box (v6) coming as well. Will be the end of an era for me leaving sky but they are way too expensive. :(

When you cancel the contract if you check on the website or in the offers part of 'your account' on the box they'll likely offer you 60% off

Is TV worth that amount? :eek:
To be honest, no. I like SkyQ and 4K etc but its not worth the money I am paying.

That will likely include fibre and line rental and maybe a calls package too.

Yes that's correct. However I see what people who threaten to leave get offered and it angers me that they do nothing for loyal customers.

When you cancel the contract if you check on the website or in the offers part of 'your account' on the box they'll likely offer you 60% off

Actually I am not threatening to leave when my contract is up to get a discount, I am leaving because I am fed up with skys attitude towards loyal customers. They reward new customers and do nothing for loyal customers so I am off at contract end to try virgin.
Actually I am not threatening to leave when my contract is up to get a discount, I am leaving because I am fed up with skys attitude towards loyal customers. They reward new customers and do nothing for loyal customers so I am off at contract end to try virgin.

Whilst i completely agree with you that Sky's approach to customers is horrible virgin lack much of the actual content that makes Sky appealing and their hardware is awful.
Just had a call from Sky (my contract ended 2-3 weeks ago) trying to tempt me back and, for my sins, I gave in.

I was on the entertainment package with HD for £38 a month. The initial deal they offered on the call didn't include HD but when pushed, and as I used to have it, they added it in.

I now get the same package I was on for £9.50 a month with the first 5 month free, so just £66.50 for the year.
Just had a call from Sky (my contract ended 2-3 weeks ago) trying to tempt me back and, for my sins, I gave in.

I was on the entertainment package with HD for £38 a month. The initial deal they offered on the call didn't include HD but when pushed, and as I used to have it, they added it in.

I now get the same package I was on for £9.50 a month with the first 5 month free, so just £66.50 for the year.

That's very very good!
What I don't get is why they don't automate all this?

eg: Every 3 years offer X amount off for the year. eg: 50% for the year, and that's it...

So customers know every three years they get a good offer... And no faffing about on a case by case basis?
What I don't get is why they don't automate all this?

eg: Every 3 years offer X amount off for the year. eg: 50% for the year, and that's it...

So customers know every three years they get a good offer... And no faffing about on a case by case basis?

Because most people aren't aware/too lazy so Sky would lose a lot of money.
Well they wouldn't do it if it cost them more money than it would losing customers. The people that make these business decisions are far from stupid.

Hmmm... Have you worked in big companies?

Quite often things are done for abstract reasons (people retaining their own position/power base) than what's truly best for the company. ie: An entry in a spreadsheet can often be deemed more important that the reality behind it...

But you're probably right :)
What I don't get is why they don't automate all this?

eg: Every 3 years offer X amount off for the year. eg: 50% for the year, and that's it...

So customers know every three years they get a good offer... And no faffing about on a case by case basis?

Because the VAST majority don't call every year/3 years to get a discount, they just keep paying what they're paying.
I left Sky back in April.
Since then I've received various offers by email to go back, the latest one is 75% off package prices for 12 months.
Problem is I'm locked into a Virgin contract until next April now!
Tempted to go back to Sky next April if the offers are good around then. I much prefer the UI on Sky than the incredibly slow Virgin Tivo one. However I'd keep the Broadband with Virgin as I couldn't possibly lose the 200Mb connection speed now I've experienced it!
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