I think I'll be leaving sky pretty soon, considering where to go to, virgin or BT. I've never been a fan of the virgin menu's however I'm guessing this will be something I'd get used to? Also I've no real idea of what to expect from bt, apart from if I take my internet through them I'll get the new bt sport channels and espy for free, then it's 20 pound to add in the sky sports channels.
Anyone got any advice on which direction to go in?
look at the monthly price for the same service from both companies and go with the cheaper one?
best way to do this is:
1. boot up both websites
2. select the package you want from both suppliers
3. checkout the length of contract and the cost of the full contract (e.g. with VM you may get a 6 month half price offer but put on a 18 month contract, whereas with BT you may just be offered 12 month contract and no discount. so for VM you do 6 x half price + 12 x full price and divide what you get by 18, for the true monthly price)
4. after you have the true monthly price look at quidco and see what deals both are offering in terms of cashback
5. factor cashback into the terms of the contracts to get a final monthly price figure for both suppliers.
it also then pays to switch suppliers as soon as your contract is up by doing the above again. new customers always get the best deals. especially when you consider sky/VM were giving away up to £300 cashback recently to new customers.
so even when you go to resign and they match your new suppliers price, you will still be losing out on hundreds of pounds due to cashback.
Just cancelled Sky due to moving out. I had the full package inc movies, sports, BB, phoneline, HD and multiroom, was costing £95ish per month. Got some stuff about reducing price due to customer loyalty and free home moves etc but i said no.
I can see the new place has a Virgin cable line installed. After several years of Sky how bad would i find Virgin? I was on unlimited Sky ADSL which was brilliant but im not sure i fancy Virgin traffic shaping...
your comparing what a 5-20MB service with one which goes as fast as 120MB and you dont think virgin will be as good as sky?
seriously even whilst being on a reduced speed due to going over their limits you will still be up to 12 times faster than what you were on before (assuming 5MB).
just do your major downloading overnight to avoid traffic shaping, or simply put a scheduler on your pc which limits download speeds during the day so you never go over the limits.
I have been with SKY for over 14 years now and we have 3 boxes (1 HD, 1 +box, 1 Normal) with ESPN and Chelsea TV costing us £90+ (can't remember exactly) a month, last year I rang up to get a discount and just got some rude chap who told me to stop begging (which I actually thought was brilliant but not at the time) I cancelled the HD box around the end of the football season and I will be ringing up tonight to get it back if I get a discount...... not holding my breath though.
need more details on your full package?
if your paying £90+ a month just for tv then your paying well over the odds for what a new customer gets.
i got sky installed last month:
2 SKY + HD boxes - so im paying for 1 x multi room on top (i bought one off gumtree for £25 with a wireless connector the other i got from sky for free as well as a wireless connector from sky for free, i also have a multi room HD box sitting in its box as a spare/backup that came free with multi room from sky as well)
Movies and Sports packages
Entertainment extra +
HD and 3D
Sky Go Extra
Talk Unlimited + Line Rental
Broadband Unlimited
all for £65 a month
take off multi room and it would be £55 a month
also looking to getting over £150 cashback through quidco hopefully maybe even more, which should pay for 3 months of sky, broadband and phone line.
if i was you i would be cancelling and moving to VM or BT and taking advantage of quidco and new customer offers