Skyrim remastered free for pc if you own skyrim already

It's certainly got it's claws in to me again.

I remember playing it originally for about 60 hours and then getting bored. Primarily because I was almost one hitting Dragons and nothing was particularly challenging. Not even sure how it worked out that way, I don't remember necessarily following guides or anything.

This time I made sure to go to the Greybeards on the mountain, early. I think I left it for ages last time.
Some Hi-res screenies in the spoilers

Skyrim SSE + Clearview Reshade + 4K Texture pack @ res 2560x1080

FPS sticks to constant 60 apart from two areas it drops to 55 for a few seconds





What specs do you have? On a GTX1070/3570k/32GB/840EVO there are two places that'll tank my fps without fail. Standing where Ralof and Gerdur talk after the tutorial and looking towards Riverwood will tank me down into the 30s and looking across the farms of Whiterun also tanks me into the 30s. Other than that it's 60fps, this is at 1080p.
What specs do you have? On a GTX1070/3570k/32GB/840EVO there are two places that'll tank my fps without fail. Standing where Ralof and Gerdur talk after the tutorial and looking towards Riverwood will tank me down into the 30s and looking across the farms of Whiterun also tanks me into the 30s. Other than that it's 60fps, this is at 1080p.

You need to do the V-sync ini tweak and set maximum fps to 60.
Decided to download this as Skyrim was one of my favorite games.

Playing it Vanilla (don't hate me) and I can clearly see the improvements they've made and I've had 0 FPS issues or CTDs.

I can see this sucking up my life again just like the original and I never completed the Dragonborn DLC either!
Hm. I can max Skyrim in 4K with graphics mods (not the remastered version, but doesn't really matter cos of all the graphical mods) and get 60FPS most of the time with an R9 390, and I used to be able to get 60FPS most of the time with some dips with a 780TI.

But this remastered version is still locked to 60FPS isn't it, so I guess it is all incidental.
I haven't checked my fps, think it's around 40 maybe due the graphics mods n reshade and textures. I'll have to look for tweaks to budge that up.

Locked to 60 I think, I did see some tweaks on reddit about higher refresh rates ill see if they work.
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Some Hi-res screenies in the spoilers

Skyrim SSE + Clearview Reshade + 4K Texture pack @ res 2560x1080

FPS sticks to constant 60 apart from two areas it drops to 55 for a few seconds


Bethesda always has to do such dull, bleached colours.

Anyway since I couldn't bear the sight of it I decided to see if I could pimp it up a bit. First attempt putting one of fave mods RLO weathers which used to look really nice but with SE looks awful, there is this odd brown tint to everything like its sepia toned:

Well I someone mentioned on Reddit the brown tint is the God Rays which are always on even if "off" in the Launcher. So dive into the skyrimprefs.ini file and disable it there. Ah, thats better! Its awfully dark now so had to up the gamma settings to 2.0. Madness! But at least it looks better but its still lacking contrast so after some messing around with SweetFX (Reshade) come up with this (before on the left, after on the right) add a bit of contrast and up the saturation:

Ahh, thats better. Well it'll do until someone comes up with something better. :cool:

n.b. next thing I think I'm going to do is install Enhanced Distant Terrain to try do something about those goddamn awful Tree LODs. DynDOLOD can't come out soon enough.
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I need a favour. Can someone go here (where the cursor is between the river parts looking out from the bridge) and see if your river is connected or not? I have a huge gap:

I need to know if it's a mod conflict or something else. Screenshot of either the map, or in game view would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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Isn't this thread supposed to be for technical discussion?

Can we get back to talking about the game's content please? :rolleyes:

I'm currently a level 15 Imperial/Werewolf. I'm using the Atronach Stone, with liberal use of Hircine's Ring. I'm now Harbinger of the Companions, and I've already taken Serana back to Volkihar. I'm siding with the Dawnguard in this playthrough.
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Spent a few hours last night doing side quests in Whiterun then went and met the priests on the mountain.

Having a slight issue where the FPS will bomb down for a few seconds then catch up again, going to try forcing Vsync in Nvidia control panel tonight and see if that helps.

I don't know if it's just because I haven't played in years or I've been spoiled with The Witcher 3 but the horse even when sprinting on Skyrim seems slow.
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