Well sent my SSW3 back. After a week I still wasn't happy with the size. An Apple Watch running android wear would be spot on
Recently considered selling my LG G watch R as I was starting to get bored with it. Instead I noticed a dead pixel and got a full refund from Amazon.
The main failing for me was the lack of ambient light sensor. I never have to faff with my Apple Watch because I can't see the screen or its conspicuously bright. Because if this I think I'll wait for the next generation of Android wear. Don't know about anything in the pipeline though?
So even the new 360 has the flat tyre?
Incorporate it in your watch face
It's where sensors go. They couldn't have adaptive brightness and no bezel without it.
I'm still really annoyed by it, possibly not as much as the lack of ambient light sensor in the G Watch R though. Apple do a good job of hiding it in the Apple Watch.
You have one? Has it been well reviewed?
Huawei's Android Wear watch doesn't have the flat tyre, and is just as nice looking as the 360 with a better screen.
But it has a bezel. The G Watch R doesn't have a flat tyre either, it has a bezel. The 360 has the flat tyre instead of the bezel, to house the sensors.
No, I don't have one as I have no plan to get a smart-watch right now. If I were to get one though it would be the Huawei. Here's a review.