The new samsung smartwatch looks rather delicious
I'm really liking this watch face on my Urbane:
Unlike my phones, I have an LG GWR and feel no desire or need to replace it with newer models. Am I missing out on anything? Are they noticeably quicker to respond to voice requests for example?
The only reason I see to upgrade is for the speaker (which the next major OS update will bring support to). But looking at even the newer watch reviews, the GWR still has incredible battery life (most seems to have ~300 while GWR is 400).
Unless something incredible comes along, I'll probably have my GWR for another couple of years... heck it doesn't even feel like I've had this for a year.
Yeah, nothing better unless you fancy a change to the Urbane which is essentially the same watch.
I swapped from the 360 to the Urbane and couldn't be happier. The battery life is so much better and the ambient screen is much better.
The original moto 360 is now £99.99 at Google play... worth a go or not?
If your budget is £100 then its still a nice watch. I'm still using mine, as long as you turn off ambient mode then the battery life isnt all that bad actually. Mines been off charge since 7AM (15.5hrs) and currently sitting at 66% left.
Actually I've noticed that the battery life has been better the past few weeks, maybe related to Marshmellow and Doze mode. Still always got me through a full day, it was just cutting it fine when I had Ambient mode on (Not even technically a true mode as the screen still spent most of the time off)
It isnt the quickest but everything runs fine.
You two have pretty much confirmed what I was thinking. I'll be sticking with my GWR and Pujie Black for a while longer.
Edit: Just checked I've had the GWR for a year and a week.