SNP to break up Britian?

31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
can always sell 10% of the military weaponry to the highest bidder that should cover some of the debt. Give a lower tax rate to financial institutions and watch them flood north for cheaper overheads ;)

England can keep the BBC... since it's 95% English output anyway.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over

It's not just the currency though is it. The SNPs proposed exit from the union seems idealistic at best, and makes many assumptions that people will fall over themselves to accommodate and Independent Scotland.

The SNP wish Scotland to have

A currency union with the UK.
A "social union" with the UK.
A constitutional monarchy, with a head of state based in London.
A military alliance with NATO.
A political union with the EU.
An economic union with the EU.

The UK already has all of these things, and a lot more besides, on good terms. The country described above sounds very much like.. the UK.

But the SNP maintains the union is of no value, even after devolution which gives the people Scotland a significant say over exclusively Scottish issues.

The debate clearly needs to be had, and the current system isn't perfect. However there just isn't currently a strong enough case for full independence and the opinion polls have consistently reflected this view.

Or, more accurately, it's a divorce and Scotland should be entitled to it's share of assets it helped build up.

The Union didn't spawn Scotland. The Union was createdly jointly be Scotland and England.

You can start the whole who's contributed what debate, which will be tedious and acrimonious. Or you can just except that on balance we're better off not having it.
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7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
can always sell 10% of the military weaponry to the highest bidder that should cover some of the debt. Give a lower tax rate to financial institutions and watch them flood north for cheaper overheads ;)

England can keep the BBC... since it's 95% English output anyway.

I have fallen out with the BBC. I have stopped watching the news as its so pro-government it is verging on propaganda, and the one program I like, Dr Who, is dying a death.

I am all for Scottish independence if that is what they want. But right now both sides are still at the petty bickering stage, and that is NOT healthy so close to the referendum.
13 Dec 2010
can always sell 10% of the military weaponry to the highest bidder that should cover some of the debt. Give a lower tax rate to financial institutions and watch them flood north for cheaper overheads ;)

England can keep the BBC... since it's 95% English output anyway.

Well thats not bad, considering roughly 85-90% of the population isn't Scottish :rolleyes:
25 Jul 2003
No offence to you, or your brother but what does he do? Is he a rigger with an opinion? Because if so he won't know the full story.

I work in a consultancy who offer reserves estimates to every major North Sea operator. I physically KNOW what they are drilling, planning and what is out there. So, I'm sorry - but your brother is wrong.

I have no idea what he does, but he is a consultant/ing geologist working for Halliburton. I would have expected him to know a thing or two, but then I don't know much about the oil industry.
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25 Jul 2003
Salmond is running a referendum without actually telling people what they are voting for and actually winning some over.
Does he need too? I simply hope that Biohazard/ediemcgarriagle(?) and a few others on here are not indicative of the Scottish populace as a whole.
29 Aug 2003
[TW]Fox;24171377 said:
Working as you do in this field I'm suprised you seem to be of the opinion that there exist hard and fast indisputable facts about things like oil reserves and future prices :)

What you have is a very informed opinion - but opinion bt its very nature is not fact. If the opinion of oil consultants was as good as fact then Rockhopper wouldn't have wasted so much time drilling empty holes in the Falklands :p

Or we have your opinion, what's your area of expertise again?

I would say that no one has presented future projections as hard facts, wouldn't you?
29 Aug 2003
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over

Instead of ranting perhaps you could explain to us what the loss of North sea receipts would do to the rUK's balance of payments?

It makes sense for Scotland to remain with Sterling, due to trade on our side and that oil revenues help to maintain the strength of Stirling in the first instance.

Stamp your feet all you like, it would literally be cutting your nose off to spite your face.
29 Aug 2003
Another point, was the pound not created under the existence of the union? (as in the modern equivalent, not the old standard via gold/silver)

Due to the shared soveriegn, we should be entitled to keep a hold of the currency surely?

(Not my area, just came to mind, probably has no basis).

We're entitled to just under 9% of everything, including the BoE and whatever reserves it holds.

Scots pound was scrapped;

Wiki said:
Article 16 (monetary union)

That from and after the Union the Coin shall be of the same standard and value, throughout the United Kingdom, as now in England, And a Mint shall be continued in Scotland under the same Rules as the Mint in England And the present Officers of the Mint continued subject to such Regulations and Alterations as Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors, or the Parliament of Great Britain shall think fit.

What we are proposing is no different to now, and the 'threats against Scottish banknotes' are hilarious as we currently have to stockpile English currency to issue them now, anyway.
29 Aug 2003
My thoughts as well, SNP (Who have watched Braveheart one too many times) want the pro's and very little of the cons, the fact they threaten not to take on any of the RBS debt (They should take all of it) if they were not allowed to keep the £ takes the ****.

Overall we are stronger together than apart, Scotland half splitting off is ill advised at best

If we inherit debt, we inherit other treaty obligations, otherwise if we don't inherit one we don't get the other either.



1 Feb 2007
It makes sense for Scotland to remain with Sterling, due to trade on our side and that oil revenues help to maintain the strength of Stirling in the first instance.

It makes sense for Scotland to retain Sterling, but it would effectively mean that you do not have full financial independence because monetary policy would still be set by the Bank Of England who report to the UK government.



10 Aug 2003
Dubai, UAE
None of the Scots I've spoken to support Independence and I know a few. But they all live in England. It's been a while since I've been to Scotland.

Most of the Scots I know don't either - but then I don't exactly speak to a massive cross section of society. I think who votes for what side will vary massively by region/area.

Have the SNP made any comments/noises about personal tax if Scotland was to become independent?
29 Aug 2003
Watch the amount of companies leave Scotland if it becomes independent.

Oh, and the amount of skilled workers also leaving. Scotland will end up a country of service workers...


Keep me a space down in England please, as I am out of here if the slim chance that Hamish & Angus get the vote through!

Hang on, isn't the UK a 'nation of service workers'? :confused:
29 Aug 2003
The SNP wish Scotland to have

A currency union with the UK.

Yes. At least temporarily.

A "social union" with the UK.

Yes. Friendship. Not too much to ask.

A constitutional monarchy, with a head of state based in London.

They are Scotland's monarchs as well, and we've long grown accustomed to them living in England for a century before Union.

A military alliance with NATO.
A political union with the EU.
An economic union with the EU.

Independence isn't isolationism.

The UK already has all of these things, and a lot more besides, on good terms. The country described above sounds very much like.. the UK.

The UK are sleepwalking towards the exit door of the EU under the Tories, our human rights are set to be ripped up and our military could be all the better without weapons of mass destruction.

The status quo isn't quite as solid ground as you may think.

But the SNP maintains the union is of no value, even after devolution which gives the people Scotland a significant say over exclusively Scottish issues.

Not significant enough it would seem.
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