SNP to break up Britian?

29 Aug 2003
It makes sense for Scotland to retain Sterling, but it would effectively mean that you do not have full financial independence because monetary policy would still be set by the Bank Of England who report to the UK government.

We would have fiscal independence, we could set and adjust all levels of taxation spending and welfare. At present, in comparison, we are responsible for around 10% of Scottish spending and nothing more. Monetary limitations would be set, that would have an overlap, but that is no different to now or any other monetary union.

I suspect in any event that it would be short lived.
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
To be honest, I can understand why they want out.

While much debate can be had on the economic policies of Labour VS The Conservatives (good arguments for & against), in regards to the social policies they are backwards without a doubt.

Pro fox hunting, anti equal rights for homosexuals, pro harsh punishment for crimes (in spite of the evidence), anti-human rights (while the ECHR has some problems, simply pulling out will do the population a greater disservice).

As I've said before, it's a shame people with right wing economic views have to get in bed with a party so socially primitive, but hey - at least the xenophobes & idiots are jumping ship to the UKIP... me thinks The Conservatives will be regretting fighting so fervently against AV...

If I was Scottish I'd vote in favour of independence.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
Instead of ranting perhaps you could explain to us what the loss of North sea receipts would do to the rUK's balance of payments?

It makes sense for Scotland to remain with Sterling, due to trade on our side and that oil revenues help to maintain the strength of Stirling in the first instance.

Stamp your feet all you like, it would literally be cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Scottish oil revenue would have no baring on the UK balance of payments whether Scotland uses stealing or not.

Maintaining the strength of Sterling is a double edge sword. At the moment, like most difficult times it would definitely be a negative.

Oil also destabilizes a currency because the exchange rates of oil producing nations fluctuates with the price of oil. The is bad for business.

There is no inherent benefit to the UK of Scotland keeping sterling if Scotland leave the union.



4 Oct 2008
To be honest, I can understand why they want out.

While much debate can be had on the economic policies of Labour VS The Conservatives (good arguments for & against), in regards to the social policies they are backwards without a doubt.

Pro fox hunting, anti equal rights for homosexuals, pro harsh punishment for crimes (in spite of the evidence), anti-human rights (while the ECHR has some problems, simply pulling out will do the population a greater disservice).

As I've said before, it's a shame people with right wing economic views have to get in bed with a party so socially primitive, but hey - at least the xenophobes & idiots are jumping ship to the UKIP... me thinks The Conservatives will be regretting fighting so fervently against AV...

If I was Scottish I'd vote in favour of independence.

why do you say ukip are xenophobes and idiots? I watched nigel farage and first time in a long time I felt there was poltiican saying some common sense.

I not sayign they are some miracle party or anything, but they are not like modern robot mps who look like zombies they dont even believe their own ****. Also just because they want to leave eu and regain border control I dont think that justify callign them xenophobe.
31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
You can't use any economic arguements for or against since the process of independence would be about compromise and negotiations.

Independence has to be about culture and national differences not about who gets what share of the pie.

When voting one must ask ones self am I Scottish and British or simply Scottish and vote accordingly.

The details can and must be ironed out later on for better or worse.

Personally since I no longer live in the UK even I consider myself Scottish and British depending on where I am, among Brits I'm Scottish among Europeans I'm British.
26 May 2009
why do you say ukip are xenophobes and idiots? I watched nigel farage and first time in a long time I felt there was poltiican saying some common sense.

When a Scotsman/Welshman/Irishman says something its called nationalism/pride, when an Englishman says something similar its Xenophobia/Racism, just the world we live in.
31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
The UKIP are a British party not English.

549 posts in and no one has asked what's gone wrong with the Union since an independance party has won two elections with a majority?

No Westminster debates as to why neither Labour or Conservative parties are winning in Scotland what's gone wrong what can we do to change that. Only threats that leaving England will be "bad for business".
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4 Oct 2008
When a Scotsman/Welshman/Irishman says something its called nationalism/pride, when an Englishman says something similar its Xenophobia/Racism, just the world we live in.

well I dont necessarily agree with that but i will say that it does seem like English nationalism is very suppressed, e.g yesterday was st george day we should have a bank holiday :)



4 Oct 2008
The UKIP are a British party not English.


This is also mayeb why there is even scottish independance party, I mean most Scots i think/hope they know we all on the same team got to watch out for each other. But they actually have alternative to the labour/conservative useless scum of the universe. Im not saying its good alternative (i dotn know) but it is alternative, in england/wales who can we vote for they are all complete **** war mongering thieving scum
29 Oct 2002
The UKIP are a British party not English.

549 posts in and no one has asked what's gone wrong with the Union since an independance party has won two elections with a majority?

No Westminster debates as to why neither Labour or Conservative parties are winning in Scotland what's gone wrong what can we do to change that. Only threats that leaving England will be "bad for business".

is it unusual to have a party voted in twice or three times? Was there a Westminster debate regarding labours 3 time win? or the previous (very divisive) 3 time conservative government?

It's simply not that unusual in UK politics.

The PR system makes it difficult to get a majority sure but that's about it.

if it keeps happening then Scottish Labour should worry I suppose. They Just don't have anyone of Salmond's character.

I've often wondered whether the SNP would be the power house it is without Salmond.
29 Oct 2002
Does anyone else not think it's sad seeing this whole independance debate create an us and them attitude that wasn't really this bad before? Maybe a bit of harmless banter aimed at Scots or Englishmen, but nothing like this ugly debate it's turned into now.

I do. I think about it each time a thread like this pops up.

and it's going to get much worse as the hard facts and fictions of the potential referendum result draw closer to reality.
29 Aug 2003
Scottish oil revenue would have no baring on the UK balance of payments whether Scotland uses stealing or not.

Maintaining the strength of Sterling is a double edge sword. At the moment, like most difficult times it would definitely be a negative.

Oil also destabilizes a currency because the exchange rates of oil producing nations fluctuates with the price of oil. The is bad for business.

There is no inherent benefit to the UK of Scotland keeping sterling if Scotland leave the union.

It would, without North Sea oil value the pound would devalue causing further problems for an economy not well placed to take advantage of that circumstance.

Oil has only ever had a positive effect on Sterling, it largely helped the rise when the UK was otherwise economically stagnant. There is no doubt in that.

There is every benefit to the UK in keeping Scotland in a currency zone, without Scottish resources the pound would devalue accordingly. Having an overarching currency agreement keeps our combined wealth and value together, we save on a long transition and the rUK broadly keeps the value of its own currency in line with now.
29 Aug 2003
Because you're divisive, negative and egotistical. Much like your dear leader.

I've shown none of that here, although I would add that it's those posters who add their opinion without much substance against independence, or Scotland itself, that are arguing in far more negative terms than you seem to think I am.
17 Jul 2011
549 posts in and no one has asked what's gone wrong with the Union since an independance party has won two elections with a majority?

The SNP are currently the best party in Scotland, regardless of their view of independence. I did not view them as an "independence party" when I voted for them nor did it factor into my decision, I think that's the same for a lot of voters.
29 Aug 2003
The SNP are currently the best party in Scotland, regardless of their view of independence. I did not view them as an "independence party" when I voted for them nor did it factor into my decision, I think that's the same for a lot of voters.

I believe you're right.

This is a concerted effort to portray Scottish independence as being a political party or the enclave for a few 'raving nationalists'.

All the comments are towards the SNP for starts, which is kind of ignorant towards what's been happening over the last few years and what makes the composition of Yes Scotland.

Since exhausting their scare tactics and doommongery, it's attack Alex Salmond and the SNP.

This is why it's all an "SNP conspiracy" in the words of Better Together.
29 Aug 2003
When a Scotsman/Welshman/Irishman says something its called nationalism/pride, when an Englishman says something similar its Xenophobia/Racism, just the world we live in.

I don't think that's true at all, I actually agree with UKIP policy on EU withdrawal, I don't think their racists for that or just opening their mouths, but some of their comments I cannot condone.
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