So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by DHR
He's looking good :) Can't wait to get my vegans.
vagans did i hear someone say vagans lol

Here are my 2 new juveniles...

Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump

Hysterocrates gigas - Cameroon Red Baboon
How much is it for these tubs, and what size would be good for a begginer

How much does this all cost - food as stated.

Can they be tammed?

Could someone explain the humidity a bit more?
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Hi Carl

How much is it for these tubs,

You can get various suitable tupperware containers from Asda from well under a fiver. Drill/punch some holes in the lid and that's it job done :) Buy a chunk of bark from a reptile place (£5 for a big bit) and a bag of Irish Peat Moss (£3) or maybe Vermiculite (£2) as the substrate.
If you have a larger spider then 9"x9"x12" fish tanks cost about £9 from all garden centres and so on. Again, a few holes in the lif and put a book or something on top to stop the spider pushing it off. For deep burrowers and arboreals (tree tarantulas) custom tanks are available from around £10 - the £15 size is big enough for any adult. Also pet shops sell plastic "pet pal" tanks with snap on ventilated lids for under a tenner. Very cheap and easy but I don't personally like plastic as it dulls and scratches with time.

and what size would be good for a begginer

If you buy a spiderling it will be cheap, but very small and often fragile. Adults are pricey, but easy to care for - but you don't know how old they are.
Best bet is to buy a sub-adult (ie 3-4") female from a reputable breeder, or at a show - NOT from a pet shop as the vast majority are overprice and underinformed ;)
That way you get a tarantula that will live at least 8 years (up to 30 in some species) Males only live a couple of years, but if you get a male don't panic because he can be "studded out" to other females, and you will get a share of any resulting babies :)

How much does this all cost - food as stated.
For one spider, a single box of crickets a month is more than enough (£2.50). In fact, most of these will probably go to waste.
I keep 70 something tarantulas, and still only go through a box a week, various sizes of course. If you have hundreds/thousands you can get bulk deals on crickets.

Can they be tammed?
Not really, they aren't intelligent enough. Some people report tarantulas becoming "used" to being held, but in all honesty handling is not advisable as most are easily spooked and may fall to their deaths. For instance, the one in the pics I just posted ran up my arm, over my shoulders and down my other arm. An easy situation to lose control of, resulting in a nervy and possibly wounded spider, and maybe even a bite (normally in self-defence)
A lot of people don't realise just how fragile they can be.

Could someone explain the humidity a bit more?
It's not as crucial as many people think. As long as the soil is reasonably moist (ie it doesn't turn into a dust storm when you blow on it) then things should be just fine. Humidity gets over-emphasised in the same way that people tell you to not EVER EVER look near the's just better safe than sorry :)
If i bought a tank id rather spend money on well made one and it would be nice for the spider as a extra 10 pound cant do no harm.

Now where can these crickets be stored?

and one last queastion, where can i buy a spider from, and breed would you say was the most suitable for me.

Ive got quite a lot of time on my hands, i can keep out of sun light but would a bedroom be suitable? i have dimmers at night but can keep them very low.
Originally posted by Carl
If i bought a tank id rather spend money on well made one and it would be nice for the spider as a extra 10 pound cant do no harm.
Custom Aquaria are based in the Midlands, and they are the guys to speak to. You will find them at various reptile and entemological shows & fairs around the country throughout the year.

Now where can these crickets be stored?
They come in a small plastic box, you can either leave them in that or empty them into a bigger plastic tank. They smell a bit rank.

and one last queastion, where can i buy a spider from,
I will ask my friend Ray Gabriel if he currently has anything suitable for a beginner. Failing that, there are 2 shows coming up, March 28th (Midlands) and May 18th (Bristol - the British Tarantula Society show) Both will have an enormous variety of spiders available.

and breed would you say was the most suitable for me.
Species not breed ;) They aren't like dogs, they cannot be crossed with fertile results and so on - each one is a totally seperate species :)

What do you want? Colours? Size? Tree dweller? Burrower? Heavy webber? Stripes?

There are hundreds of readily available species - have a look here: and pick out a few you like - I can then tell you if they are suitable for a beginner and so on :)

Ive got quite a lot of time on my hands, i can keep out of sun light but would a bedroom be suitable? i have dimmers at night but can keep them very low.
As long as they aren't left in direct sunlight for long periods, and are kept warm, they will be fine. Heat mats provide just the right warmth levels, cost from £5 each and cost very little to run. :)
When things go wrong...

I received this poor little devil this morning after spending two nights in the bitter cold :( mailed to me against my advice..


Thrixopelma pruriens
So have you lot heard about the man in Germany who was killed by his black widow? :D

It bit him, then spun a load of old web around him. When he was discovered, there were lizards feasting on him. I think they must have been pets too, because lizards aren't native to Dortmund are they? :confused:
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
So have you lot heard about the man in Germany who was killed by his black widow? :D

It bit him, then spun a load of old web around him. When he was discovered, there were lizards feasting on him. I think they must have been pets too, because lizards aren't native to Dortmund are they? :confused:

Actually a Munich newspaper did report someone being killed by a spider, but apparently it's one of those "Freddy Star Ate My Hamster"/"London bus Found On Moon" stories :D
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