Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

Scottish Power finally got back to me about my SEG application - oh we can see you're registered with Octopus since 9th December. Yes because I got fed up of waiting since I emailed you on 1st July..... Utterly useless.
Quick question, am I allowed to isolate and unplug the DC strings from my inverter, on an MCS certificated installation to check the Voc of the panels?

As an engineer is coming tomorrow to look at my system (they say it's fine but it isn't) and don't want to say I've done something, if they can use that as an excuse to run off.
So had my Ev charger installed today. Chap also ran the cables for the inverter/battery at the same time... now just the long wait for stock of the giv kit to arrive
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2.2 here today, sun was out very early on but soon clouded over and that seemed to get thicker as the day went on :(

Still at least my batteries are behaving now

I did mess up switching the evening charge (for saving sessions manipulation) up however so didnt charge as much as planned in that window
Tell me about it, I had visions of Scotland being like the wall in GoT all this time...
Heheh, it's actually a bit of the secret - it's really East to West divide in solar, not north to south.

One of the sunniest spots in the UK here, so great for solar!

Very curious through winter as it's something that always struck me about this part of the world, we have lots of these blue skied cold days in winter, so I'm curious to see how generation goes through winter
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