Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

I'm impressed you managed to get a price out of them at all for a bigger inverter.

There was some chat on the facebook solar and battery UK group about new fast track G99 that seems to imply under ( trying to remember, 7Kw on a single phase?) could be fast tracked in that you'd get a reply within a couple of weeks.

Re loan, if you send them an updated quote they may send you a new loan agreement that resets the clock or just drop them an email saying the installer is mucking you about and see what they say.
I think it was 3.68kW to 5kW from what I remember seeing a post.
If your goal is to try and prove less or more grid usage then the best place to see that is the Octopus stats page, it will show grid usage per day.

If the usage is spiked hugely up, then excess usage was a thing! :)

if it's same as normal, then it wasn't.

Mine for 23/01 and 24/01 were both a little higher than usual but a couple of kWh on the day:

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If your goal is to try and prove less or more grid usage then the best place to see that is the Octopus stats page, it will show grid usage per day.

If the usage is spiked hugely up, then excess usage was a thing! :)

if it's same as normal, then it wasn't.

Mine for 23/01 and 24/01 were both a little higher than usual but a couple of kWh on the day:

but i dont have access to other peoples octopus usage pages. So i'm asking questions
i do....but im pretty sure he didnt plug his EV in during the saving window, he used electric underfloor heating, washing machine, dishwasher and some electric oven cleaner sort of thing, charged solar batteries etc etc
EV - 20kWh
Batteries 75% -15kWh
Underfloor heating approx 12kWh
Dishwasher - approx 1.5kWh

Don't have a cleaning cycle on the oven, done manually!
but i dont have access to other peoples octopus usage pages. So i'm asking questions

No you don't but you also don't know what people do day to day, so you're entirely reliant on people telling you.

You can't measure someone else by your own usage especially when you use hardly anything. I use 16 kWh per day normally vs your 4, with or without solar.

The only proof is in the pudding, which is in the Octopus grid stats, which removes all local adjustments and things like inverter stats skewing figures.

I don't even need exact figures for me to see that someone like @john_smith is a very heavy electric user. The stats they posted a few days ago showed they used 90% of all the solar they generated for the whole year, this is a very high efficiency figure and is only possible if you use a lot, especially when this figure encompasses things like generating 600 kWh in the best month.
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No you don't but you also don't know what people do day to day, so you're entirely reliant on people telling you.

You can't measure someone else by your own usage especially when you use hardly anything. I use 16 kWh per day normally vs your 4, with or without solar.

The only proof is in the pudding, which is in the Octopus grid stats, which removes all local adjustments and things like inverter stats skewing figures.

I don't even need exact figures for me to see that someone like @john_smith is a very heavy electric user. The stats they posted a few days ago showed they used 90% of all the solar they generated for the whole year, this is a very high efficiency figure and is only possible if you use a lot, especially when this figure encompasses things like generating 600 kWh in the best month.
i think it proves that some people have used excessive power during these days, more than what they would normally have used and used it in a way that makes them money and not to save the grid. If they were doing it to help the grid, they wouldnt flood their houses with power in a small window.....they would spread it over a 24hr period as proved by some posts above. Spreading usage helps the grid, thats why they are asking you to move usage from peak times, to lower use times to help.

No one here would use 48kwhs in 1 hour......
19kWh batteries actually - nobody charges their EV from batteries so your logic s completely flawed!
so your saying you only used 19kwh of energy after the saving session in 21hrs and all from batteries?? a little under 1kwh/h....... i think not

How would you normally charge your car then??? Go window, Solar??? but for saving sessions you used grid power in a small window
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no - blame the people for exploiting it and call them out on it.....
You've got a lot of calling out to do, start with the Government and work you're way down.
, that its morally wrong???

It may be morally wrong, but it's not against the rules or laws, there's an awful lot worse going on in the country than this.
do we not pay peak rates in those windows then???? funny that, because i do....if octopus dont define it as such, why do i pay it during those times??

Just because we're charged peak rate, it doesn't mean the power companies are paying peak rate. I pay the same rate all day , does that make the entire day peak rate? It does by your logic. Check the hourly rates on Octopus Agile (I think that's the one that alters by the half hour) that will show you when actual peak times are, as I bet the hours that are before the saver sessions are cheaper rates, and I suspect that's why the hour before is excluded.

Do you think the energy companies are gaming the system when they pay us peanut's for exported electric that they then sell for around eight times the price? I think they are, and all the time we can earn something back legally then I'm all for it.
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I'm impressed you managed to get a price out of them at all for a bigger inverter.

There was some chat on the facebook solar and battery UK group about new fast track G99 that seems to imply under ( trying to remember, 7Kw on a single phase?) could be fast tracked in that you'd get a reply within a couple of weeks.

Re loan, if you send them an updated quote they may send you a new loan agreement that resets the clock or just drop them an email saying the installer is mucking you about and see what they say.

“Bigger inverter”? First I’ve heard of this. You sure it was me that needed one?

I was told that the fast track application won’t be possible with my install. Don’t know why though.

I’ll be getting in touch with the EST as I need to sort something out regarding the loan before it’s too late. This delay may have a silver lining as it appears there are now grants available which I’m looking into
so your saying you only used 19kwh of energy after the saving session in 21hrs and all from batteries?? a little under 1kwh/h....... i think not

How would you normally charge your car then??? Go window, Solar??? but for saving sessions you used grid power in a small window
So again, your logic is flawed:

It's 14.5 hrs from the end of the saving session( or 16.5 hours from the end of in-day adjustment) not 21 hours as Go starts again at 00:30 hours.
I'm not back from work until 5-6pm so the base load is very low until this period.

Facts, not assumptions!
Do you think the energy companies are gaming the system when they pay us peanut's for exported electric that they then sell for around eight times the price? I think they are, and all the time we can earn something back legally then I'm all for it.

8 times the price??? i get 15p/kwh and so do a lot of others, because we arent on any other conflicting twice the amount for me. I'm not sayng people cant earn it back, i just think some are being very economical with the truth and what they would call shifting my normal usage....
So mine is interesting.
24th I used an extra 8kwh of elec than normal, omg you terrible person I hear some mutter ;)

Compare my gas which was - 16kwh to day before and - 41kwh to day after!
Starting to think that fan heater might be a good move when I am home alone

Ohh you're right actually, my gas usage was a bit lower those days as well :)
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