Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

First winter for me, must say it’s a bit of a shock going from having no power bill to having to charge the batteries everyday but at least I’m on Go so it’s not too bad
March will soon be here. There’s really only two bad months over winter. Dev and Jan.

I've posted my letter to Santa today, asking for a week of clear skies and sunshine over the Christmas break, and if he can convince the UK gov/power companies to start offering net metering for export. :D

I'm not holding out much hope on the second one.
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Total for November was 208.65 from a 5.4KW array so 38.63 per KW of panels. Location is slightly north-east of Bristol, pretty pleased with that (mostly unshaded apart from by the chimney in the early morning and only about 10 degrees off of south facing).

Looks like Octopus are running "Saving Sessions" two days running, one yesterday between 17:30 and 18:30 and then one today from 17:00 to 18:00, conveniently I was grid charging the battery between 17:00 and 17:30 yesterday in preparation for yesterday's session, so that might help todays!
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I'll add @Journey tomorrow when he posts his results.


Edited to update chart
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