South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

I wonder if they will being investigating missandry as well, cos I'm pretty sure the guardian posted not long ago an article about putting all men in a concentration camp or vice posted about murdering 90% of men. Or will they be tackling the #killallmen crowd?

Probably not.
As a resident of South Yorkshire I can assure you that 'fingers in the ears going all la la' is the default setting for SYP when it comes to anything.
Still waiting for them to come and view the CCTV footage of my car being vandalised with a clearly identify getaway vehicle in it, it's been over 2 years and oddly enough even after several reminders on Twitter they haven't gotten round to it. Might make a racist joke to get them round here pronto.
Still waiting for them to come and view the CCTV footage of my car being vandalised with a clearly identify getaway vehicle in it, it's been 2 years and oddly enough even after several reminders on Twitter they haven't gotten round to it. Might make a racist joke to get them round here pronto.

I was assaulted last year. I fought back and dropped my assailant.

I was arrested and interviewed. CCTV footage showed clear evidence that it was self-defence.
As I was being released the custody sergeant said "I think it would be a good idea if you apologised to your victim"
I responded with "Hypothetically if I punched you, would you apologise to me?

I got no response and was ushered out of the door.
No it's literally trash, it's practically the bible or /r/T_D and 4chan at this point.
I can’t believe someone would call 1984 trash. You know it existed long before the internet?

Can you please provide a little bit of explanation as to why you deem it worthy of the title trash?
Some of these posts make sense if the user only read the text of the tweet and not the red box in the SYP poster. The tweet text alone seems to make all insults (eg. Not sexuality, race, or gender based) a crime. I had to reread it three times to see the inset in the poster.
Some of these posts make sense if the user only read the text of the tweet and not the red box in the SYP poster. The tweet text alone seems to make all insults (eg. Not sexuality, race, or gender based) a crime. I had to reread it three times to see the inset in the poster.

But that's the point, if I want to Tweet out "I hate black people" then that's up to me and that shouldn't be up to South Yorkshire Police to come down and arrest me for it. Even if I was to throw the N word in there, that's up to me to accept any social consequence of such an abhorrent public statement but the Police should have no interest in arresting me.
I can’t believe someone would call 1984 trash. You know it existed long before the internet?

Can you please provide a little bit of explanation as to why you deem it worthy of the title trash?

It only provided a minuscule viewpoint of the future and of course people just attach any old crap to it like it's relevant (hint: it's usually not), why exactly would authorities use a control method that's been explained over the course of many pages of a book?

Farcical, it's far more complicated and dangerous the dystopian future we likely face, for said book to ever have the depth for. It's crap optics and vicarious opinion that ruin it's purpose as literature.

But that's the point, if I want to Tweet out "I hate black people" then that's up to me and that shouldn't be up to South Yorkshire Police to come down and arrest me for it. Even if I was to throw the N word in there, that's up to me to accept any social consequence of such an abhorrent public statement but the Police should have no interest in arresting me for it.

Except it should entirely be up to the police to shut you up for that, you're hurting the country's image, it's cohesiveness, it's economic presence and a creating an environment for more xenophobes to come out of the woodwork.

Some of them act in a bellicose manner and end up murdering people because they're either mentally ill and the state's failed to provide for them, or they're just ********.
>can't afford to keep our streets safe
>invites the public to inundate them with non-crime incidents involving mean words so they can waste a massive amount of money on pointless investigations

Part of me wants this sort of thing to continue getting worse, just so the braindead idiots eventually realise what **** they've put us in.

You're assuming that they don't already know. They're skilled politicians pursuing their dream of authoritarianism, irrational prejudice and discrimination in what is by far the most effective way to do so in the countries in which they are doing it. I would be extremely surprised if that's a just a horde of compatible coincidences, a constant stream of braindead people unintentionally doing exactly the right things to advance their agenda. I think it's far, far more likely to be deliberate action from people who are skilled politicians. Look at the concepts they have targetted for corruption and destruction first - equality, tolerance, diversity, freedom and liberalism in general. The very things most likely to stand in their way. Look how devoutly they strive to control speech and to change the meanings of words. Since words are the core of thought and communication, that's how you control thought and how you make it impossible to communicate any dissent and how you make it difficult to even think any form of dissent. It's even more important to authoritarians than controlling actions.

This is straight out of 1984 with a touch of Animal Farm. The main structure is 1984, but the assigning of group identities has more in common with Animal Farm. In 1984, the group identities were national. In Animal Farm, the group identities were biological. What these people are doing now is the most effective way to create the society of 1984 with biological group identities. They haven't got there yet but that's only because they don't yet have enough power to be Big Brother openly. Their ideology is the same and their political processes are the same. They merely don't yet have the power to implement their ideology as completely as in 1984.
Except it should entirely be up to the police to shut you up for that, you're hurting the country's image, it's cohesiveness, it's economic presence and a creating an environment for more xenophobes to come out of the woodwork.

Some of them act in a bellicose manner and end up murdering people because they're either mentally ill and the state's failed to provide for them, or they're just ********.

So because someones followers could be nutjobs (am I allowed to say that?) then everybody should be silenced by the Police.
But that's the point, if I want to Tweet out "I hate black people" then that's up to me and that shouldn't be up to South Yorkshire Police to come down and arrest me for it. Even if I was to throw the N word in there, that's up to me to accept any social consequence of such an abhorrent public statement but the Police should have no interest in arresting me.

Do you swear in front of children too?
I just saw this on twitter too.. (posted before I saw your thread).

I think this is pathetic. I wonder what the rank and file police actually think of this stuff. I'm sure they didn't join the police to chase up people writing naughty words online.
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