South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

26 Dec 2003
They obviously have too much spare time and resaources if they can waste it on 'non-crimes' like this, remember it the next time real crime is through the roof and they're complaining about funding. Somewhere along the lines the police have become have been turned into a similar thing as social media companies where they feel it's their job to condition society and target people with non politically correct views.

Look at the quote in my signature to understand the implications of this sort of policing, it's definitely Orwellian and is designed to suppress speech through fear. There is absolutely no such thing as free speech if you're only allowed to say politically correct things that don't offend.
26 Dec 2003
I for one don't want to live in a society where its bad to hate blacks, persecute the disabled and threaten Muslims.

...and you think it will stop there? eventually anything that causes the slightest offence will be counted as a hate crime. How can a society progress if you can't discuss sensitive matters? it's one step closer to authoritarian rule where everyone just has to shut up and do what big brother says or be carted off for re-education.
28 Nov 2003
...and you think it will stop there? eventually anything that causes the slightest offence will be counted as a hate crime. How can a society progress if you can't discuss sensitive matters? it's one step closer to authoritarian rule where everyone just has to shut up and do what big brother says or be carted off for re-education.

"University lecturers are fuelling an ideological “monoculture” in British universities, the higher education minister has warned.
Sam Gyimah told of his concern that certain views - ranging from identity politics to Brexit - have become “unacceptable” at universities simply because they are not “on trend”. It is not just students who are contributing to this but the entire “campus community”, he said. Speaking to vice-Chancellors at the Universities UK (UUK) annual conference in Sheffield, he said that institutions must not be seen as “ideological echo chambers”.

“Our best universities are not ivory towers. Still less are they ‘left-wing madrassas’, as one controversialist chose to describe them,” he said.

“But ideological diversity, strong research cultures, engagement with the wider world, and fair access are ongoing battles – and the price of failure will be very high.”

Mr Gyimah said that he has spent months touring British universities and noticed that a “big issue” is the emergence of a “monoculture” where “certain ideas are just ruled out as unacceptable in our current debate”.
30 Jul 2006
I for one don't want to live in a society where its bad to hate blacks, persecute the disabled and threaten Muslims.
...and you think it will stop there? eventually anything that causes the slightest offence will be counted as a hate crime. [SNIP]
Perhaps it is just me but I think that you may be getting your knickers in a twist over a distinctly tongue-in-cheek, satirical post designed to get right-wing loonies jumping up and down and yelling about their right to freedom to be complete idiots.
13 Nov 2006
You clearly are missing something. But then I guess we can expect such from you. Threats are a crime. This initiative is about reporting things that aren't crimes.

Expect such things from me? Please elaborate.

Also waiting for a full cost breakdown of how much this has cost the force, other than the cost of sending a couple of tweets.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Expect such things from me? Please elaborate.

Also waiting for a full cost breakdown of how much this has cost the force, other than the cost of sending a couple of tweets.
It’s not what's it cost so far, it’s what it will cost in future for them to rush to the aid of someone who can’t handle a silly tweet or two.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Expect such things from me? Please elaborate.

Also waiting for a full cost breakdown of how much this has cost the force, other than the cost of sending a couple of tweets.

Well...They had to put the image in the tweets together and that didn't exactly do itself, did it?

Someone has had to come up with the campaign.

It will have gone through approval.

Someone has put together the tweets and posted them.

All time and resource that should have been spent on crimes. It doesn't matter how long it took, it took too long.
13 Nov 2006
Well...They had to put the image in the tweets together and that didn't exactly do itself, did it?

Someone has had to come up with the campaign.

It will have gone through approval.

Someone has put together the tweets and posted them.

All time and resource that should have been spent on crimes. It doesn't matter how long it took, it took too long.

So you think there was a whole campaign just on this specific non-crime message? I guess that's to be expected from you :p

I'm out. Have a nice day.
30 Jul 2006
"University lecturers are fuelling an ideological “monoculture” in British universities, the higher education minister has warned.[SNIP]
Is that the same Sam Gymiah who is a Tory whip ("I keep the troops in line. I put a bit of stick about. I make 'em jump.") and who is famous for "talking out" a motion in Parliament?

Yes, I can see that he would be a huge fan of free speech :rolleyes:
28 Nov 2003
Is that the same Sam Gymiah who is a Tory whip ("I keep the troops in line. I put a bit of stick about. I make 'em jump.") and who is famous for "talking out" a motion in Parliament?

Yes, I can see that he would be a huge fan of free speech :rolleyes:

Your delineation between fiction and reality seems blurred again, the "I keep the troops in line" quote is from the fictional Francis Urquart in the equally fictional TV series "House of Cards".

Sam Gymiah is a Europhile, a staunch defender of "LGBT" rights and same sex marriage, and is black, I thought you'd have bonded to him like a brother, is it the Tory bit that biles you? ;)
26 Dec 2003
All you lefties pushing for more censorship imagine in the future Israel rounds up Palestinians in concentration camps and expands Israel's borders into Palestine, would you be happy that you can't critcise Israeli policies because it's deemed to be 'hate speech'? you'd be offended millions of Jews afterall. Enjoy your mental prison.
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