South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Rename GD to Righties Daily Raging.

If that was really the case the mods would close GD. The "right" and the term is used loosely, is becoming more fervent precisely because of things like this. For every action and all.

If the government dealt with the problem rather than the reaction caused by the problem society would be more cohesive. When people lose trust in the Police and in some respects are anti-police there is a cause. People see and experience it.

We now have "unfriendliness" as something that can be followed up in the view of a conviction. We have high levels of censorship. Big tech colludes with this (and no I am not talking about Alex Jones), and are in effect silencing reasonable and valid views, opinions and even facts. As an example if memory serves, Tommy Robinson was banned from Twitter for tweeting something verifiably factual, that even anti-radicalisation Qilliam corroborated and protested on his behalf.

Even OC hasn't been immune since the start of the US Presidential and Brexit matters.
28 Dec 2007
Do you swear in front of children too?

People of colour and arguably some of the most historically oppressed in all of human history, even today I would consider them to be most likely to be victims of 'hate' or discrimination so it's an easy example to pick for my post, if such a simple statement offends you so much in the context of actually discussing potential real world scenarios then I feel you're being overly sensitive.

The comment I agree would be a disgusting thing to say in public but it's really not down for the government to enforce public feelings, unless someone is trying to call for harm against a person or group.
13 Nov 2006
People of colour and arguably some of the most historically oppressed in all of human history, even today I would consider them to be most likely to be victims of 'hate' or discrimination so it's an easy example to pick for my post, if such a simple statement offends you so much in the context of actually discussing potential real world scenarios then I feel you're being overly sensitive.

The comment I agree would be a disgusting thing to say in public but it's really not down for the government to enforce public feelings, unless someone is trying to call for harm against a person or group.

Offended and overly sensitive? I think that applies to people getting their knickers in a twist over these tweets...
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Offended and overly sensitive? I think that applies to people getting their knickers in a twist over these tweets...

Not really. People can appreciate that the police should be spending their time and resources on something useful to society. Not cuddling people who are too pathetic to function in society.

It's also particularly galling given that this is the same force who covered up events in Rotherham.
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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
That'll be the excess of bile. It isn't hard to be considerate. You never know when you might need someone.

Targetting biological groups for inferior legal status and suppressing dissent to authoritarianism is not considerate. Unless you're using a Newspeak blackwhite meaning of "considerate", to go with those for "equality", "diversity", "liberal", etc.
13 Nov 2006
Not really. People can appreciate that the police should be spending their time and resources on something useful to society. Not cuddling people who are too pathetic to function in society.

It's also particularly galling given that this is the same force who covered up events in Rotherham.

Please provide a breakdown of time and resource of this initiative.

I must be missing something here. If someone is threatening me and/or calling me XYZ are you saying I'm pathetic if I don't like this?
13 Nov 2006
Not sure where you're going with that :p If he did swear in front of children, repeatedly, would you report him to the police?

It'd be double standards. Why is ok to call someone a racist name but not swear in front of children? Both terms are just words apparently?
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Please provide a breakdown of time and resource of this initiative.

I must be missing something here. If someone is threatening me and/or calling me XYZ are you saying I'm pathetic if I don't like this?
No, but threats are a crime, SYP are asking for non crime incidents to be reported as well.

I don’t understand why, they can’t do anything if a crime hasn’t been committed.

I dunno what’s worse, this tweet or the one saying we should feel sorry for gypo’s.
30 Jul 2006
I believe that this very forum has a rule along the following lines:
OcUK holds a strict policy of inclusion, as such, members posting in a xenophobic, racist, or in a prejudiced nature will not be tolerated. Posts that defame an individual or group of individuals owing to their race or ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, or sexuality for example (the list is not exhaustive) will be removed and a suspension to their account will be applied.
I guess that the "Usual suspects" will be outraged by this tendency to cuddle people who are too pathetic to function in society.

Dear God, how do the rabid Brexiteers get away with it?
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
I believe that this very forum has a rule along the following lines:

I guess that the "Usual suspects" will be outraged by this tendency to cuddle people who are too pathetic to function in society.

Dear God, how do the rabid Brexiteers get away with it?
You sound like you would like this forum to become a Labour momentum outpost.

Some views are controversial to others, but you cant just silence people all the time. You can’t just kick someone off a forum because they say they don’t like this religion or that group of people. Internet forums are there for debate, even if it does get a little fractious sometimes.

You’re just a typical 2018 leftie, want everything and everyone who holds views different from yours, to be silenced, as according to you, they’re all just racist, xenophobic, morons. It’s amazing how lefties champion tolerance as one of their key virtues, when in reality, they’ll only tolerate those with the same views and opinions as them. Everyone else must be silenced.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
The left fought for free speech and a great many good things. Now these things the left is attempting to destroy are being guarded by the right.

Back to the Police in question. Less than 10% of crime is solved and a conviction secured. I don't have a definite figure (and neither would anywhere else) but crime is vastly underreported anyway.

It stands to reason that the 10% conviction rate when all other crime considered be far lower than this. Unless it was murder or violent assault, I wouldn't call the police again. I've had things I've reported be ignored, even though they are clearly crimes.

My dad knows the former head of police and he says his subordinate sargeants etc used to have a job getting some Police to investigate crimes as they would, according to him, refuse to want to investigate some crimes.

The other issue is that police actively try to cover up crime committed by several communities. I've called Cheshire Police over this before now and bold as brass they have lied to my face.
15 Feb 2012
Targetting biological groups for inferior legal status and suppressing dissent to authoritarianism is not considerate. Unless you're using a Newspeak blackwhite meaning of "considerate", to go with those for "equality", "diversity", "liberal", etc.

I'm suggesting it is possible to modify speech/tweets/whatever to try to avoid insulting others for entirely selfish reasons, regardless of the law. People who are insulted may be less inclined to help out in future.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Please provide a breakdown of time and resource of this initiative.

I must be missing something here. If someone is threatening me and/or calling me XYZ are you saying I'm pathetic if I don't like this?

You clearly are missing something. But then I guess we can expect such from you. Threats are a crime. This initiative is about reporting things that aren't crimes.
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